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Meeting with Quirinus Quirrell was honestly the last thing Hadrian wanted to do after lunch. However, his Father and the Lord of his House stated he must, so therefore he will. He was an obedient child after all. It would not do well for the Heir of the Addams family to be disobedient. Especially as his Auntie Sloom, the eldest living relative and most respected member of the Addams family, would not approve.

"M-Mister A-Addams, t-thank you for m-meeting with m-me."

Hadrian bows slightly before sitting across from his Professor. He looked around the office. Despite the enormous amount of books and papers spread throughout the room, it held an oddly calm feeling. He noticed that the office held plenty of Ravenclaw coloring mixed with purple. He pursed his lips together before facing the man.

"You can stop the stuttering act around me, Professor." Hadrian says lamely. "I do know what true stutters of fear sound like."

"I suppose you know why your Father asked you to meet with me then?"

"For the fact that you are the missing Addams known as Marvolo Addams, also known as Dark Lord Voldemort previously known as Tom Riddle. I am very aware. The question is," Hadrian glared at the man in front of him. "What is it you want?"

"I want to have a meeting with Lord Gomez Addams." Hadrian noticed the eyes where red rather than the normal green. "The truth has been slighted and I wish to plead my case to him and Lady Morticia Addams."

"Why should I allow this? Why should my Father?" Hadrian asks diplomatically.

"I understand if you do not. However, I merely ask for a chance." The man paused. "May I inquire one thing, Heir Addams?"

"And what would that inquiry be?"

"How is it that you and Harry Potter are one in the same?"

Hadrian sighs. "It all starts when I was five years old. At that time I was still under the impression I was one Harry James Potter. Although I knew myself more by the name of Freak and Boy."

It wasn't until late on night Lord Gomez Addams and Lady Morticia Addams were taking a stroll in the dreary and cold air in Surrey that plans of one Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore began to unravel.  That night during their darkened stroll they came across a young boy crying alone in a small rundown park.

"Oh Gomez," said Morticia softly. "He's upset. I wonder what for?"

"I suppose we should ask." Gomez said, albeit confused. "Usually the common man does not leave his child in the rain. Is this a new muggle thing do you suppose?"

"Not that I am aware of. We could ask Cousin Remus the next opportunity we can." She said with a frown. "Child, why do you cry?"

When the child looked up with bright, wonderous Avada Kedavra green eyes the woman gasped softly. She saw the lightening bolt scar and pale skin. Her hand grasped her husband's tightly as a rare show of tears flooded her eyes and added a wetness to her face that was not from the pouring rain.


"I know."

His voice was dead. His heart pounding. In five and half years they searched for their lost son. Yet, even if the looks are different he knows that magic. He can feel the hum of his son's magic reaching out to him.

"Hello." He says kindly as he squats in front of the small child who barely looked 3 much less to be five. "What is your name?"


"Harry. Would you like to come with my wife and I? You shouldn't be out in the cold like this."

At the time, the young child would not understand why he went. Just that he felt safe for the first time in his life that he knew. So, he slowly put his tiny hand in the mans large one and let him be picked up.

Hadrian Gomez AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now