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As soon as school let out for the weekend, Nate rushed outside and waited for his brother to come pick him up. For real this time.

True to his word, Franky and Ellie pulled up in front of the school to pick up Nate. He subsequently leaped into the backseat.

"You ready for a fun weekend, Nate?", Ellie asked.


"We're gonna stop by Mom and Dad's so you can get your stuff", Franky planned. "Be ready in ten minutes because we gotta get to the train station at least a few minutes ahead of schedule."

"Yes, Franky."

As soon as they pulled up in front of the house, Nate bolted right in.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. Hi, Fiona", he greeted them quickly.

"Wait a second, son", his father said, grabbing his shoulder.

"What, Dad?"

"Just wanted to tell you to have fun and stay safe." He then hugged Nate.

"Thanks, Dad."

His mother hugged him while also holding the baby. Speaking of whom, Fiona latched onto her brother's shoulder with her strong little paws.

Even though he was only going out of town
For two nights,
Nate's parents and sister were hugging
Like his trip would be infinite

Nate grabbed his suitcase from his bedroom and came back out to the car. He waved to his parents until they were out of sight.

"Okay, guys, listen up", Nate began talking to the others. "I have a map of all the key locations in Snobbery Hills and I wanna see them all!"

"Only if we have time, little bro", said Franky. "Snobbery Hills can be pretty busy on weekends."

"Then why are we going on a weekend?"

"So you don't miss school", Ellie reminded him. "I told you this."

"Like that'd be such a big loss." And he threw himself back into his seat.

Franky glanced in the rear view mirror at his brother, then looked at Ellie. "It's because of the boy who hurt you, isn't it?"

Nate made a look that said 'You think?'

Ellie reached her hand back and took Nate's in it. "I'm sorry, Nathaniel."

"It's fine."

Pretty soon, they arrived at Roundtown Station.

There was the faint sound of cheep, cheep that reached Nate's ears. He stopped walking at once.

As Franky talked to the ticket vendor, Nate walked around outside the station.

Cheep, cheep.

He rounds the corner to the latrines.

The cheep, cheep! got louder. And more numerous too.

Right underneath the drinking fountain was a cardboard box with holes on the top. The cheeping sound was emanating from within.

Nate peeked into one of the holes. Inside were six chicks, all fluffy and yellow.

"Oh! How'd you guys get here?"

But with the birds being still so little, they couldn't speak yet. They just went cheep, cheep some more.

Nate had an idea,
An obligation, really, in this very box
It might get him into trouble
But "What the heck", said the Knox

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