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Last we saw our heroes
They were in quite a jam
Due to Nate's decision
In the vein of Guy and Sam

(But seriously. That's the only overt reference to Green Eggs and Ham that'll be made.)

With nowhere else to run, Nate, Franky and Ellie were found and taken to the locomotive to be brought before the driver.

" to explain what happened?"

Nate took a second to gather the courage to speak.

Oh! Now you've done it, Nate! He felt like he was saying it on his mom's behalf. He shook with apprehension.


The teenager gulped.

Ellie stepped forward. "Sorry, sir. He's nervous."

"I can see that, but I need an explanation."

So he gave the driver one. All he got in return was "That's very kind of you, kid. But we have a strict no unauthorized pets policy on this train."

The trio were promptly dropped at the next station. The fox couple looked at Nate, who smiled awkwardly at them.

"Had you simply minded your own business and left those chicks where you found them, we'd be in Snobbery Hills before sunset", Franky summed up. He didn't even look enraged; instead he looked just sick of everything.

Ellie grabbed his elbow. She may have been displeased too, but she was aware that complaining wasn't gonna get them anywhere. Once she got Franky's attention, he relaxed.

"I'm sorry, Franky", Nate apologized. He hung his head.

"Look, Nathaniel", the vixen began. (Oh, great, Nate was thinking, She's using my full first name just like Mom) "I'm sure you meant no trouble, but you have to think these things through."

Although he didn't admit it
Nate much preferred Ellie's approach
To lecturing him
It was better than his parents reproach

"Now. How are we gonna get to Snobbery Hills?"

Franky walked over to a bulletin board. It had papers of different colors pinned to it, detailing all kinds of different transportation options.

Nate slightly unzipped his backpack and looked inside. All six chicks were still there, tearing apart the unpopped kernels. Despite the trouble they just caused, he wasn't gonna let them go; he was gonna help them find a home just like he said he would.

"I have to ask, Nate. What compelled you to take those chicks with you?"

He looked up at Ellie.

"Something about finding them all alone in a box just spoke to me."

The vixen nodded. His answer was sort of vague.

Franky returned. "Okay. I think I found something useful. Right now, we're in Hansonville, which has a bus terminal just south of here. The next one to Snobbery Hills leaves in a couple hours."

"But what about the chicks?", Nate asked.

Franky groaned quietly. "I'm not sure. If you have to, do a better job at hiding them."


Before continuing on, Franky called his parents on the pay phone.

"Hey, Mom."

"Franky! You still on your way to Snobbery Hills?"

"Afraid we've had a slight detour."

"Oh, really? What happened?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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