Chapter 9 - The Mission

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Bradley's POV
I was so nervous about the mission for today. I wasn't sure who would be picked to fly it.

I sat next to Emily in the hangar along with everyone else. Admiral Simpson walked to the front of the room.

"Maverick is going to be team leader for this mission. Maverick," Simpson nodded to my dad for him to continue on.

"It's been an honor to fly with you. Each of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission, and my choices are a reflection of that and nothing else." Maverick explained.

"Choose your two foxtrot teams," Admiral Simpson said. Maverick nodded.

"Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob," he replied. The admiral nodded.

"Your wingman?"

Emily grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly, a smile on her face.

"Rooster," Maverick said.

My eyes grew wide as I looked over at Emily. She was still smiling at me.

"The rest of you will be on standby on the carrier for any reserve roles that are required. Dismissed,"

I walked to the locker room to retrieve my gear and then made my way over to my F-18.

As I was strapping myself in, Emily climbed up the ladder. She took my chin in her hands and turned my face towards her.

"Hey. You be careful up there, okay? I want you to come back alive," she said, looking into my eyes. I smiled.

"Don't worry. I'm coming back. I promise," I said as I placed a hand on Emily's cheek and she leaned forward, kissing me on the lips.

"Ok. I love you, Bradley."

"I love you too, Emily."

Emily then climbed down the ladder and walked away.

Emily's POV
I sat down in my plane that was next to Hangman's. We were both spares if anything were to go wrong.

Hangman looked over at me and smirked. I looked over at him and frowned.


"I think I know who you went out on a date with," He said. I shrugged.

"Oh really? Who?" I asked. Hangman smiled.

"It was Rooster, wasn't it?"

"How did you know?" I asked with a frown. Hangman shrugged.

"It's obvious. I literally saw you kiss him when you were talking to him in his plane," he replied. I nodded.

"Yeah. What's it to you?"

"Nothing. I was just curious about who you had went out with a couple of days ago," Hangman said. "You guys are good together, I guess."

"Thanks," I muttered.

Hangman and I went back to listening to the mission and we listen as they say that Dagger Two and Four are falling behind.

"Come on, Bradley, speed up." I whisper.

"We're falling behind. We need to speed up, Rooster." Payback said.

Finally, Bradley punches it and they catch up to Dagger One and Three. I cheer, glad that Bradley finally stopped thinking and just did what he needs to do.

Maverick hits the target and then it's Bradley's turn. Payback and Fanboy's laser isn't working so Bradley has to hit the target blindly. Luckily, he hits exactly where it needs to. I cheer once again, glad that the mission had succeeded.

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