Chapter 10 - It's What My Dad Would Have Done

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Emily's POV
18 years ago
It was the summer before senior year and I was at the community pool with some of my friends. I was a lifeguard there, but I was off for the day.

My feet were dangling in the water and my friends were leaned up against the side of the pool talking to me.

My friends looked over at the lifeguard chair across the way and their eyes lit up with excitement. The lifeguards had just switched spots.

"Ugh, he is so hot when he's only wearing his red lifeguard trunks. I mean, look at those washboard abs." My friend Taylor said, admiring the lifeguard. I looked up and rolled my eyes. The guard up in the chair right now was Bradley.

"Right? He is so hot. And, I heard his girlfriend just broke up with him so he's single." My other friend, Chloe, said with a smirk. I shrugged.

"He's not that hot," I muttered. Both girls looked at me with their mouths agape and their eyes wide.

"How can you say that? He's probably the hottest guy in our grade," Taylor said. I laughed.

"You guys forget that he's my best friend. Nothing more than that. Plus, he is definitely not my type." I explained. Chloe and Taylor rolled their eyes.

"Ugh, you guys always say that and it kind of annoys me. If I had a childhood best friend who became drop dead gorgeous, I would date him in a heartbeat." Taylor said. Chloe nodded.

"Look, Bradley and I are just friends." I argued. Chloe shook her head.

"Em, girls don't just wear their guy friend's sweatshirts. Or give each other hugs after every sports game. Oh, or go out on dates." She listed. I frowned.

"We don't go out on dates. That's just called hanging out,"

"No. It isn't. They were definitely dates. You went out to the movies together and out to eat. And, let's not forget that you two like to sit and look at the stars together too. Also, you two slow danced together at our freshmen homecoming." Taylor added. I sighed.

"The only reason we went together to the dance was because my date stood me up and Bradley felt bad so he danced with me,"

"Yeah. He also yelled at that boy for standing you up," Chloe said with a laugh. I laughed along with them.


At that moment, I looked up to see Bradley waving at me. I waved back and he asked me to come over to him. Taylor and Chloe smiled.

"Looks like your friend wants to talk to you," Taylor commented with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Like I said, he's just my friend. Nothing more. I'll be right back,"

"Sure. Have fun!"

Present day
I laughed as I thought about my friends from high school and how they would always say that Bradley and I were meant for each other.

For years, I had denied it, but now him and I were together. I could only imagine how my friends would react if they found out. I had not seen Taylor and Chloe in years, but the urge to reconnect to them had surfaced since I had reconnected with Bradley.

I watched as Hangman's plane left the runway, flying towards Rooster and my dad's plane. The two of them were in trouble and Hangman decided to help.

Soon, the two planes flew towards the carrier. Hangman landed no problem, but my father requested the netting be set out because they had lost their front landing gear.

I smiled as my dad did a fly by and then landed the plane on the carrier. A team of men and women ran towards the plane, using fire extinguishers to put out the fires.

My dad got out first and he gave me a hug when he saw me.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I said with a smile. My dad smiled.

"I'm glad too. And, I brought back the person that I promised you that I would keep safe,"

I let go of my dad and sprinted towards Bradley.
Bradley smiled as he gave me a big hug. As I pulled away from him, I gave him a stern look.
He frowned when he noticed my anger.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! Bradley Bradshaw, you went back for my dad and almost got killed in the process! I was so worried about you!" I shouted. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. "I'm so glad you're okay though,"

Bradley cupped my face in his hands and gave me a kiss on the lips. When we pulled away, I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

Bradley then walked over to my dad to talk to him.

"Thanks for saving my life," my dad said. Bradley nodded.

"It's what my dad would have done," he replied. My dad then hugged Bradley tightly. I smiled, glad that they had finally made up.

"I'm glad that you guys like each other now," I said. My dad shrugged.

"It depends. If he breaks my little girl's heart, I may not like him anymore." My dad said with a smirk. Bradley smiled.

"I won't break her heart, Mav. I've loved her too long to ever let stop loving her ,"

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