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Emily's POV
One year later
I couldn't believe it. I was getting married. I was so excited.

My dad rapped on the door and came inside, a big smile on his face.

"Emily, are you ready?"

"Yes. I definitely am," I replied. I walked over to my dad and linked arms with him.

As we walked down the aisle, my dad smiled and I could almost see tears coming down his cheeks.

Now, I'll be honest. The only times I had ever seen my dad cry was when Goose and Carole died and when my mom divorced him. Over than that, my dad barely ever cried.

"Dad, are you alright?" I asked. My dad smiled and nodded.

"I'm fine, Em. I just can't believe that my little girl is getting married to Bradley Bradshaw. I wish Goose and Carole were here to see it," he explained. I smiled.

"I wish they were here too,"

My dad handed me off and I stood at the alter in front of Bradley. Bradley smiled, his eyes on mine as the pastor behind us began to talk.

"You look stunning," Bradley whispered. I smiled.

"You look very handsome in your formal dress, Bradley." I replied with a smile. Bradley was of course wearing the military formal dress instead of a tux since he's in the Navy.

After we had said our I do's, the pastor instructed for Bradley to kiss the bride and he pulled me into his arms, kissing me on the lips.

As we finished, Bradley grabbed my hand and we walked down the aisle together, finally married.

When we were finally out of sight, we fell backwards onto the couch in the room I had used to get ready for the wedding.

"I can't believe it. I'm a Bradshaw," I said excitedly. Bradley smiled.

"Yeah. It's amazing,"


Later at the reception, I danced with Bradley for a few songs. Halfway through the night, Bradley went over to the piano and began to play the tune to Great Balls of Fire.

I walked over and sat down on the piano seat next to him. Bradley then put on his aviator sunglasses and winked before covering his eyes with the glasses.

"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain! Too much love drives a man insane! You broke my will, but what a thrill!" Bradley sang.

"Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!" Everyone shouted along with us. My dad came over to join us with Penny Benjamin at his side.

Ever since last year, my dad and Penny had been dating and I was convinced that my dad was going to propose to her soon.

"Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!" We all shouted one last time as the song ended.

As Bradley and I walked away from the piano, a slow song began to play. As we danced around the room, Bradley smiled, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I love you so much, Emily Bradshaw." He whispered. I smiled.

"I love you too, Bradley Bradshaw." I said as I kissed him on the lips.

Then I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around and my eyes grew wide at who was behind me.

"Mom?! What are you doing here?!" I asked. I was surprised, but also a little mad. I hadn't seen my mom in almost thirty years.

"Bradley found my number and called me. He was mad at first that I had left you behind so long ago, but his mood changed as I gave my explanation. Then, he invited me to your wedding. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to your actual wedding sweetie. My plane had been delayed," My mother explained. I sighed.

"Well, thank you for showing up to my wedding. It was nice of you,"

"Of course. I still can't believe that I lost a bet to Carole Bradshaw though. Here," my mom handed Bradley and I a check for two hundred dollars. "I owe Carole two hundred dollars, but she isn't around to take it. I'm sure she would have wanted the two of you to have it,"

"Thank you mom," I muttered. Tears brimmed in my mom's eyes and she pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry that I left you behind, peanut. I never should have done that. I was just so mad at your father and I wasn't thinking straight. I'm so sorry," my mom said between sobs. I nodded.

"It's ok mom. I understand,"

As I pulled away from the hug, I saw my dad. His jaw was clenched and he didn't look very happy to see my mother. My mom turned around and smiled when she saw my dad.

"Hi Pete. It's nice to see you again. Who's this?" My mom asked, nodding towards Penny Benjamin.

"Maggie, this is Penny Benjamin. My girlfriend,"My dad replied. My mom walked up to Penny and shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Penny. I'm Pete's ex-wife, Maggie. Emily's my daughter,"

"It's nice to meet you," Penny replied with a smile. My dad still looked uneasy at my mom's presence.

"Pete, I know you hate me and I don't blame you. I was an awful wife and mother. I never should have ran out like that. I'm sorry," my mom explained. My dad's eyes softened slightly as she said this and he sighed.

"I'm sorry too. I wasn't the most wonderful husband either,"

"I think you two should hug and make up. For Emily's sake," Bradley said with a smirk. My mom looked at Bradley and smiled.

"Oh Bradley, you're still the same kid I remember  from thirty years ago. Still willing to do anything for the sake my baby girl,"

With that, my mom embraced my dad and they made up. It made me so happy that they finally made up after thirty years.


Four years later
Bradley and I sat outside watching the stars. Our three year old son, Nick, was sitting in Bradley's lap.

"The stars are so pretty," Nick whispered. I nodded.

"Yeah. They are," I replied. I looked over at Bradley with a smile.

"Bradley, I have something to tell you." I said.

"What is it?" He asked. I smiled broadly.

"Braldey, I'm pregnant." I replied. Bradley's eyes grew wide.

"We're having another kid?!" He asked excitedly, placing his hand on my stomach. I nodded.

"Yeah. We are,"

"Wait. I'm gonna be a big brother?!" Nick suddenly said excitedly. I laughed and nodded.

"Yes sweetie. You are,"

"I love you, Emily Bradshaw." Bradley whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled.

"I love you too, Bradley Bradshaw." I replied as we kissed on the lips despite our three old's disgust at us kissing.

I loved the family I had with Bradley and I was glad that we were going to make it a little bit bigger.

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