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When you're so used to the same old pattern, all you can say is


When you're always being disrespected or disregarded with your feelings, all you can say is


When you're tired of explaining yourself over and over again, all you can do is say


Sometimes i just agree with people so that they will stop talking. And that i don't have to entertain their defensiveness all day long. Its draining when people don't realize that they're not always right and that they can be wrong too.

Other times, i will stay completely silent. I feel extremely tired of explaining to people how i feel just for them to disregard and not care about my feelings. I explained my hurt to someone i love and trust, but still got hurt. I learned to stop talking ever since. 

I don't know what else i should do. I want to care for everyone's heart but I need to take care of my heart too. I feel selfish but i have to do it.

To everyone who's carrying a heavy heart in silence,
It is going to be okay. You are strong and capable of overcoming whatever obstacles thats thrown to you.

You will be okay.

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