Part 5 - Together Again

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(Rosie's still sitting in the car outside the facility, alone.)

Sound effect: CRASH!

Rosie:? (She looks up.)

(She watches the facility completely collapse in on itself.)

(She stares for a moment.)

Rosie: C'mon, Echo, that's the second building you wrecked with your friends. (She looks unfazed, but a bit annoyed.)


Coral: Well, I think it's safe to say that we kept the Octobosses from going out and destroying everything. (The agents walk through the rubble.)

Coral: There's no way they'll be able to use this stuff!

Brooke: That was a really powerful battle cry, Pearl. I didn't know you could do this. (Coral picks up some busted machinery.)

Pearl: Thanks, I guess. I'm really sorry, though, Juliuz. If I had known you guys were still up there, I would've never done this. And I'm sorry about hitting Emerald. I never meant to. (She looks a bit glum.)

Emerald: It's alright!

Juliuz: I know you didn't mean to hurt us, Pearl. At least we're all okay. (They stand beside Pearl. Pearl gives a slight smile.)

Emerald: My ears are ringing, but we're fine! (Something orange starts to shine in her face.)

Emerald: Huh? What's that? (She leans over as the orange thing catches her eye.)

Juliuz: It's just some vials. I'm surprised they stayed intact.

Emerald: Hey! Octavio was working on those before the fight! They looked really important, but I don't know what they're for. (They glance down at the collection of vials.)

Pearl: Should we take 'em with us and see what they are?

Juliuz: I guess so. If Emerald thinks that they're important. (Pearl picks some up.)

Juliuz: Now, we should probably get home. We're not very safe here.

Pearl: Okay, we'll see you around! (His crew splits ways to go back to June's car.)

Rosie: *gasp* Emerald! You're safe!

Emerald: Yep! Juliuz saved me! (Rosie looks really happy to see her friend as she gets in the car beside her.)

Rosie: What are you wearing?

Emerald: It's a really long story. (Rosie's confused.)

(Juliuz, Echo, Emerald, Rosie, and Kiyoshi are all in June's car.)

Echo: What is it? (Juliuz looks back at everyone and smiles.)

Juliuz: It's just good to get our little family back together. (He turns back.)



June: *sigh* (She looks down at her phone.)

(She grabs her phone.)

Sound effect: Buzzz...

June: Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up. (She nervously holds her phone up to her ear.)

Juliuz: [on phone] Hello?

June: Juliuz! I'm so glad you answered! Have you found Emerald? Is she safe?

Juliuz: [on phone] Yep, she's safe, and she's back home. (June jumps up.)

June: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was so worried! What happened? (She sits back down, relieved.)

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