Chapter 3

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              The drive to San Diego was a quiet one. Before tonight I loved long drives because you have nothing but time to think until you get to where your going. I've taken a lot of long drives in my life just to be able to think with no real destination in mind.  Tonight however was different. Tonight I would give anything to not be able to think. Tim would periodically look over at me and give my hand ,which he held on the center council , a quick squeeze just to remind me he was there. the drive took about three and half hours because traffic from L.A to San Diego is always a nightmare. Pulling up outside of my sisters apartment I put the truck in park and just sat there for a moment. Knowing that when I went in Justice wouldn't be there to greet me like she always had been before and neither would Zack. 

" If you want to stay here I can go get what we need." Tim said sweetly giving my hand another squeeze.

I shook my head " No I can do this.... I need to do this." I said looking Tim in the eyes. He nodded and opened his car door and walked around to my side of the car  and opened the door . I stepped out of the car.

"I will be right here the whole time okay?" He said stopping me and staring right into my eyes. I took a minute to wonder what I ever did to deserve this man that is the center of my universe. 

"Thank You Tim... Have I ever told you that you are the best person I have ever met." I asked in a only half joking was.

" Umm... I think you have mentioned it in passing once or twice maybe. Just don't tell anyone I have a mean reputation to uphold" he said as bent down to give me a kiss. " Are you ready to do this?" 

" No.... Lets go." I answered 

I took his hand and we walked up to her apartment. Justice had given us a key in case of an emergency. So I unlocked the door and walked in the door turning on the light as we stepped inside. there were baby toy strewn across the living room but other then that the apartment was spotless as she always kept it. She was always the OCD one out of the two of us. I walked to the closet where they kept an extra car seat incase the babysitter needed to leave with Toby for any reason. i set that by the front door and headed with Tim to the nursery and i took a minute to look around at the nursery i helped Justice put together be cause quote "if i don't do it it wont get done"  she was always knew what she wanted and she always did what it took to get it. I walked to the closet and found a duffle bag and began packing up Toby's clothes from the chest of drawers in the corner. we packed everything we though we needed diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, formula, Toys and  anything we thought we would need we packed it. Tim's truck bed was full of  all kinds of baby stuff. 

"Should we take the crib or should we just buy a new one?" I asked looking at Tim who was currently packing a bag of baby blankets. The crib it self wasn't special but Justice had painted the outside to match the nursery.

"I think you would regret not taking it. She painted it her self she would have wanted him to have it" he said stopping what he was doing and looking up at me. I nodded and walked towards it. "Dolly I can do that you don't have too." 

"No you cant. You sir are supposed to be taking it easy." I said giving him a look that simply said "try me" I walked to the crib and began disassembling it. after everything baby related that we needed  was loaded into the truck. I wondered in to Justice's room and felt the tears well up in my eyes. The bed was beautifully made and everything was in its place just like she liked. I walked to her closet and grabbed a shirt and took in her scent for what is the last time. i walked over to her jewelry box and siting right on top was necklace I recognized easily. it was half of a heart that said Little Sis with a little gem on it. I had the other half that was almost identical but instead it said Big Sis, Justice had given it to me when she was thirteen I was twenty-two and our parents had passed away the year before and she had been living with me. It was my birthday and she had used her allowance to buy it for me.  I started crying as I picked it up to look at it I still wear  my half all the time in fact I never took it off. I walked to the mirror and put the necklace on. The magnets in the necklace automatically bringing the two necklaces together with a click. That's when Tim walked in. " Are you okay?" he asked 

"No ." I said bursting into tears again he walked up to me and took me into his arms. i clung to him for dear life. we stood there for a few moments. 

"Okay... We have a little boy to bring home." I said. Tim just nodded.

Walking into The CPS office was weird it was late afternoon by the time we made it there. the building hadn't been updated since the late eighties. with ugly red shag carpet in burnt orange walls. We sat in Rebecca Salters office signing the necessary paperwork. as we were finishing up the paper work the door to the office opened and I saw a older woman holding Toby walk in he was asleep but i stood up quickly and walked over to the woman with Tim close behind me. 

"May I?" I asked quietly. and she nodded with a smile. i quickly took Toby from her and i let out a sigh of relief i didn't even know i was holding. i kissed his head as i sat down once again. the older lady then left the office." is there anything else you need from us ." I said quietly she shook her head, " You have already signed all the paperwork. I'll walk you guys out just to make sure you have a proper car seat. but judging by you occupations I'd say it safe to say you both know how to install a car seat so we will make this quick and you guy will be good to go let me just make copies of the  adoption paperwork and i will be right back." I nodded. after she left Toby began to stir awake. and the instant he saw Tim's face he got excited and started to laugh and reach for him. Tim was always his favorite person. " Hey buddy you happy to see Uncle Tim huh." he just laughed again and reached out for him so i handed him over with a smile on my face nothing Tim just kept talking to him and Toby's Laughter only got lauder and for the first time that night i really smiled seeing this little boy so full of pure joy was enough to make my heart explode. 

 when Rebecca came back in she smiled " Sounds like some one woke up." I smiled to her  she handed me my copy of the paperwork and led us back out the Parking lot  and checked the car seat and before we knew we were on the road headed back to L.A. Toby quickly feel back asleep on the way home. it was late by the time we got back to the house. After a quiet argument Tim and I both reassembled the crib in the guest room and put Toby to bed for the night. We then  went and unloaded the truck after putting everything away and turning the chest of drawers in the guest room turned nursery into a temporary changing station with a changing mat i stood and just watched Toby sleep. I don't know how long I stood there but I made a mental list of what we needed and went  to our bedroom making sure to take the baby monitor that had actually been our baby shower gift to Justice with me  seeing Tim sitting in bed in PJ pants and a T-Shirt  waiting for me. I walked up to my dresser and pulled out a pair of PJ shorts and a tank top getting dressed for bed completely emotionally and physically exhausted. I crawled into my side of the bed and tucked my self into his side being carful of his wound. I layed my head on his chest and just listened to his heart beat as he wrapped his arms around me. we lied together quietly just enjoying each others presence. And we feel asleep in each others arms. 

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