Chapter 7

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I took a couple more minutes outside to try and cool off and get myself together before I went back in to be with Tim. Taking deep breathes I got myself together before heading back into the house and over to sit against the door again.

" Hey, Tim, I was just talking with the doctors. It won't be long now, okay," I told him, even though I knew it was a lie.

" Babe, you are good at many things, but lying is not one of them." Tim chuckled

" You think I am good at things? Can I get that in writing?" I asked sarcastically

" How long?" He asked, getting serious again

" An Hour," I said lowly as I heard him let out a sigh. We sat there for a moment in silence til I heard him speak

" Daycare closes here soon. You should go get Toby."

" Your Sister already picked him up. He is now enjoying a playdate with his older cousins." I answered, knowing full well that this is the part where he tries to push me away, and I am not going to let him.

" Dolly, you should go." Tim's voice was low as he spoke, clearly giving up  hope

" No," I spoke flatly

" Dalia."

" No. I am not going anywhere. I am not leaving you... I can't... I won't." my voice was breaking, and I knew he could hear it, but at this point, I just didn't care.

" If I am infected-"

" Then we will deal with that together, Tim. We are in this together." I had tears rolling off my cheeks as I spoke.

"I am scared. Dalia," Tim whispered.

" I know. I am too." I wanted nothing more than to rip the plastic from the door and throw my arms around him, but I couldn't. All I can do is sit and wait.


We sat in silence for the next hour. Waiting and praying that he wouldn't show any symptoms. And luckily, he hadn't, so when the vaccine finally did arrive and they asked me to go outside while the administered it, I did so without complaint.

I stood out side with Lopez and our Rookies including Lucy waiting for Tim.

After a few minutes it felt like the wait of the world was lifted from shoulders as I saw Tim being lead from the house by CDC doctors I ran up to him and threw my arms around him as the team hopped and hollered for Tim before he finally acknowledged them by giving them a small smile " don't you guys have work to do."  He said sarcastically with my arms still wrapped around his middle not wanting to let go.  I felt home away for a moment in my arms. " you ok?" I asked as I pulled away to look at him and he nodded. " yeah I'm fine"  he said before continuing to walk towards the ambulance I followed closely and watched him intently.

As Tim walked he suddenly stopped in his tracks before he collapsed to the ground.

Time seemed to slow down and speed up all at once because before I knew it we were in the back of the ambulance and I was holding my husband as he seized.

The tears rolling down my face wouldn't let up as the doctor told me it must have been an allergic reaction to the vaccine.

I sat there trying to help hold Tim steady as the injected him multiple medication to get the seizure to stop and when it did I let out a breathe I didn't even know I had been holding.

" what's wrong with him doc?" I asked kind of scared to know the answer.

" it looks like he's having an allergic reaction to the vaccine " she spoke as his heart monitor began to race once again but this time he only shook for about ten seconds before going completely still and the entire ambulance was ring with the sound of a flat lining heart monitor.

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