Chapter 13

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Anling rushed, trying to keep up with her new mentor. On the inside, she was excited. Who wouldn't be—it's such an honor, having an Archon help you train. She could only thank her dad and Lumine,  the ones who had convinced the god to train you. Zhongli's voice snapped her back to reality-"You coming?" She hadn't realized with her thoughts that she was falling behind. Anling had a question, though, and she blurted it out, "Where are we going?"
"Liyue Harbor," Zhongli said. Anling nodded, and was slightly shocked as he asked, "So what do you need training for?"
"Didn't Xiao tell you?" Anling immediately realized how rude she must've sounded, so she hurriedly spoke, "I'm sorry!"
"It's fine." Zhongli said. "Just answer my question please."
Anling took a deep breath in, and prepared to explain the horrifying moment she had endured.


Anling tried to find the traveler. Damn that girl's fast! Anling thought. She sighed. She probably doesn't even notice I'm gone. Anling kept walking, but stopped when a familiar voice spoke.
"Why, hello Anling."
She froze, immediately recognizing that voice.
"La Signora." Anling whispered.
"So, I suppose I've found you." Signora said from behind. "I recommend you come back with me, you'll die more peacefully that way."
Anling turned around, then clenched her fists in fury. "No."
"Excuse me?"
"I said no."
"You dare say no to me?!"
Signora stopped, then said, "Very well."
"If you battle me on Mount Hulao, I shall free you."
Anling didn't know whether to accept this or not. "Ok," she said. "I'll do it."
La Signora then stated, "Exactly one month from now. 12:00 PM. Mount Hulao. Get there a second late and I'll cut your head off."
Anling gulped, then nodded, "yes."
Signora walked away, leaving Anling worried for her life—and her father's.

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