Chapter six

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CHAPTER SIX: heart monitor

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CHAPTER SIX: heart monitor

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ALEXANDER MCCALL WAS IN THE HOSPITAL ALL DAY. Apparently, Kate had lowered down the electrical bolts when hitting Alec, at least to the point where a human could live. Alec shouldn't have given her a warning shot. He should have shot her in the head. Multiple times.

Alec muttered under his breathe. Already, his mother had visited multiple times. Noah came in, questioned if he was alright, what happened. Obviously, Alec couldn't tell him the truth.
So, of course, he lied. He said he didn't remember anything.

He wasn't awake when Derek visited.

Scott and Stiles had ran in, ignoring the nurse saying that visiting hours were over.   "Alec! Are you okay?" Scott asked, quicker then Stiles, as Stiles panted, out of breathe from the run.

"Does Stiles have asthma?" Alec questioned.

Stiles waved a dismissing hand. Melissa had entered, telling the other nurse it was fine and she'd handle it. "You two know that you can't be here at this time." She sighed, glancing back out the door. "Five minutes." Before she walked back out, telling the other nurse that the two just wanted to make sure Alec was okay.

"Is Derek okay?" Alec immediately asked the two.

"Derek? Who cares about him? Are you okay?" Stiles asked.

"What happened? How hurt are you?" Scott asked, immediately moving his hands to check his older brother for wounds.

"The hunters attacked Derek. I shot Kate but-"

"You were there?" Scott asked, alarmed.
"You shot a hunter?" Stiles questioned, getting that odd tone of excitement.

"Yeah. And she electrocuted Derek multiple times. And me, once." Alec says, immediately seeing Stiles excitement fade.

"Wait, a minute, you still have a gun?" Stiles asked. "Wait, does my dad know you have a gun?"

"Have either of you seen Derek?" Alec asked again.

"Yes. He started to 'train' me. He attacked me when I was getting groceries and threw my phone." Scott answered, only to get his brother to answer him.

"Okay, get me that," Alec pointed over to his bag of belongings. "Let's go."

"What? No! You need to stay here!" Scott argued back.

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