Episode 22.2 - Left Alone

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"You dare return to my domain?" the being shouted.

William blinked away the searing pain in his eyes as he got to his feet.

"Do you not understand the meaning of that idol?" she shrieked, ramming her fists onto the sides of her hovering stone throne. "I was practically a goddess! Beloved by all! And you disturbed it with absolute indifference!"

"I didn't even know what that was!" William shouted. "Or what you are!" He knew this being was a Brimstone Elemental according to her label, but as usual, that was just a name.

"Ever since that witch came and slaughtered all my followers, all that once worshipped me, it just proved one thing to me – all of humanity is not worthy of existence!"

Witch? "You mean Calamitas?" he asked.

"You dare utter her name to me? This witch committed unholy crimes of the highest order. Butchering and twisting the souls of my followers, reducing them to nothing but abominations that haunt this pile of slag!"

I guess that explains the ghosts we ran into earlier. Just like Amidias and Permafrost before, here was another victim of Yharim's tyranny. After the Archmage's refusal to share with Yharim the magic he needed to conquer this place, he'd just sent his servant Calamitas instead.

"We don't want to fight you!" William shouted. "The witch is an enemy to us too, as is her master."

"You lie! You only seek to take my power once and for all, bring it into the hands of those who have no care for the natural order! For that, you shall suffer a horrific, fiery death!"

With that the Elemental flew forward, her eye beginning to glow brighter, red particles beginning to spew around her.

William went to swing his Darklight Greatsword at her but she vanished before his blade made contact. He glanced to Robyn, who had an arrow notched in her Effluvium Bow, and then quickly around the area, just in time spotting her reappearing amidst a spray of brimstone flames.

She flew slowly forward again, a second, smaller boulder flying alongside her. This boulder contained a smaller red one-eyed creature named a Brimling, that accelerated straight towards William, but he hit it out of the air with his sword.

The Brimstone Elemental shrieked and disappeared again in another flurry of flames. William spotted her reappearing over the lava ocean, and that she was now firing a spray of red fireballs at them. He jumped to avoid the middle, largest one, which exploded beneath his feet. He swung his sword, sending forth magical spinning Darklight blades that slammed into her for damage, while Robyn's icy arrows lent lots of damage from the side. He lunged to get a closer attack, but at that same moment her boulder seat closed around itself, sealing her up like a cocoon, only leaving her eye exposed through a single slit in the rock.

He was then hit by a wave of red brimstone bolts that emanated out from the cocoon, which was followed up by a volley of flaming red skulls that he was thankfully able to dodge, but he was already feeling boiling hot red flames dancing across his armour, feeling his life rapidly depleting.

This boss boasted over 78,000 life, and already looked like she packed quite a lot of power.

She soon opened up her cocoon and charged towards him again, firing more and more red blasts at him, seemingly having a death wish for him as the one who had found her idol. Fortunately, he began to hear the rapid clicking of a gun being fired followed by some explosions blasting themselves against her body – Tony and Durim had arrived!

"You and your friends will all burn!" the Brimstone Elemental shrieked, closing up her cocoon again. This time William was anticipating what would happen and had made sure to stay a safe distance away, dodging in-between the wave of red blasts that shot out in all directions from the cocoon along with the volley of red skulls.

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