Episode 29.2 - Feral Amalgamation

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Robyn cried out as she went to run from the ethereal monster. She was chased down corridors and flew up shafts, but Polterghast always managed to stay on her tail. It clambered through the tunnels at a fast speed using the claws on the ends of its ghostly chains. Bursts of ectoplasmic shots were fired at her, some phasing through blocks and hitting Robyn from all directions. She cried and shouted with each blow, shrieking as loudly as the souls trapped within the beast that was chasing her.

Until she came across a dark-cloaked figure that started throwing molten sickles at Polterghast.

"I let you go off on your own for one minute and you bring this back?" Renee exclaimed.

Robyn turned around and started firing purple waves of arrows from her Astreal Defeat. Polterghast hovered in front of them. The ghostly blue luminescent parts of its body suddenly glowed with a reddish tint, and it charged forward. Robyn slung her grappling hook to the side to dodge its charge while Renee jumped up and over.

Robyn glanced backwards as it phased into a wall behind them. It would undoubtedly come straight back, but they wouldn't know from where.

"Quickly, this way!" she shouted. "We've got to get into an open area!"

The two of them ran down another Dungeon tunnel, Polterghast in a spooky pursuit, the ethereal screams and yells of lives long lost still emanating from it.

Then the floor collapsed below Robyn. She made to spread the wings from her Seraph Tracers but then realised it wasn't a pitfall into a spike trap – there was just a massive chamber below. This would do nicely.

She dropped down, Renee following suit. The two of them aimed their weapons up at Polterghast as they fell, powerful arrows and hatchets constantly piercing through its body for damage.

Polterghast reached out and grabbed hold of nearby walls with its four ghostly chains. Then it flung itself forward, detaching itself completely from its chains, Polterghast itself suddenly resembling a ghostly Eater of Souls as it flew towards them. The chains themselves fizzled into ectoplasm, but the hooks they had been attached to began to fly forward as well, firing ghostly-blue darts.

Polterghast shrieked loudly, the sound piercing Robyn's ears and making her cry out, and it gained a sudden and unpredictable burst of acceleration, ramming its jaws straight through Robyn, causing her to take over 200 damage.

She screamed again and flew upwards, but in her panic she didn't realise she was about to slam straight into the ceiling. Polterghast rushed up from below, its mouth wide open in anticipation of the next soul to join its form.

Then the cloaked form of Renee appeared next to her, grabbing her around the waist, the two of them falling to the side and avoiding Polterghast's charge.

The two of them landed below on the hard Dungeon Brick floor.

"If you're not going to stop crying and start fighting, can you at least run away or maybe even die so I don't have to deal with your blubbering and flailing?" Renee shouted.

She rolled to her feet and flew back up into the fight. Robyn groaned, grabbed hold of her bow, and flew back up to join her.

For the next few minutes they fought, Robyn firing arrows and Renee throwing her Molten Amputator. Polterghast's health went down, and down. And down.

"We're doing this!" Robyn exclaimed. It had lost over 300,000 of its 672,000 health.

"Don't get excited," Renee said. "Focus and ensure victory."

But that was when Polterghast's jaws snapped wide open. In an instant, the metal armour encasing its body snapped away, and it seemed to split in two. Into two Polterghasts, both only semi-opaque, their eyes and jaws now brimming with veins of red.

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