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Tommy: Phil, I lost Wilbur
Phil: oh, that's not a problem
Tommy: ?
Wilbur: *running with a knife*
Phil: found him *disappears*

Wilbur: once when I was 7, I had a crush and didn't know how to deal with it, so I wrote them a note saying 'get out of my school'

Dream: Wil, I'm cold
Wilbur: *gives Dream his trench coat*
Dream: *warm*
Tommy: Wilbur, I'm cold
Wilbur: we'll damn Tommy, I can't control the weather!

Dream: do you ever smell the upsexy on the show?
Wilbur: what's that?
Dream: what's what?
Wilbur: that
Dream: what are you asking me?
Wilbur: what's upsexy?
Dream: nothing much, you?
Wilbur: *a focking tomato*

Sapnap: hey Dream, are you free on Friday? Like... 8pm Friday?
Dream: yeah?
Sapnap: and what about you Wilbur?
Wilbur: I am too
Sapnap: great, cause I'm not, you two go on a date without me!

Puffy, after Dream and Wilbur's honeymoon: how was the honeymoon?
Dream, carrying a passed out Wilbur: it was good!
Dream: Wilbur got drunk and tried to rip our marriage certificate, and said "try to return me without the receipt"
Dream: I love him so much

Dream: I'm gonna take a shower, care to join me?
Wilbur: you know I have a gun in my bedside table, don't be afraid to use it on me if I ever say no

Wilbur: fvck me if I'm wrong
Dream: your wrong
Dream: *realised what he meant* so do you still wanna do that-?

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