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Wilbur: hey Dream, where are the scissors?
Dream: in the dishwasher
Wilbur: oh okay
Wilbur: wait what-?

(High school au again yes)
Wilbur: *really nervous for his speech, and really only doing this cause Dream and Techno are*
Dream: *hugs him*
Wilbur: *happy*

(Still high school)
Dream: *walking to his violin lesson* (yes, in my au he plays the violin)
Wilbur: *already there, practicing guitar*
Dream: *struts in*
Wilbur: *gasp* DREAM!
Dream: *gasp* WILBUR!

(Ok, middle school- or primary school-? I'm in Australia-)
Wilbur: *trying to convince Dream to play the guitar with him*
Dream: no thanks, I choose sanity

Dream: don't worry, I have a few knifes up my sleeves
Wilbur: I think you mean cards...?
Dream: nope, I mean knifes
Dream: *pulls out like 10 fvcking knifes*

Dream: your the love of my life, my demon, I would do anything for you
Wilbur: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a healthy sleep schedule
Dream: hell no

Dream: it said all you can eat! How was I supposed to not to eat that?!
Wilbur: Dream, honey, you ate A CHAIR!

Wilbur: what would Dream do as a distraction?
Techno: probably set off a couple car alarm-
*several explosions go off and many screams*
Techno: or that
Dream: *comes running back*

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