5 - Megalomaniac

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"He got what?!"

When Kim Chansoo went with the driver to pick up Lee Wooseok and gave the report about Lee Yoohan, he didn't think he would witness agitation on his master's face.

But then again, the new car that he so generously gifted to Lee Yoohan yesterday was now in a garage somewhere with dents and scratches.

"Another traffic accident?" Lee Wooseok's secretary almost scoffed, but closed his mouth when he saw the boss's face.

"Explain," Wooseok said curtly; that agitated look had vanished from his eyes, but his voice remained sharp.

Kim Chansoo cleared his throat and started to tell the story of how Lee Yoohan took away the car immediately after he arrived at the mansion yesterday, and then came back before dawn, in a taxi, with bandages. It took a lot of yelling and stuff-throwing before they found out Lee Yoohan had crashed the car into a tree, got picked up by a random car, and spent time in a clinic somewhere before heading home.

Wooseok massaged his temple, exhaling heavily. "Is it severe?"

"Just some sprain and scratches, Sir, nothing to worry about."

"Do you send the family doctor?"

Kim Chansoo blinked, and replied carefully. "Should I, Sir? It's just—"

"Of course you should! You think an injured son of HS Group is a joking matter?" Wooseok hissed, and then added after looking at the secretary and Chansoo's surprised face. "You should check if the wound is real."

"Oh! Of course, we will send one right away, Sir."

Wooseok looked out the car window, clicking his tongue. And then he frowned, and asked after a while. "Was he drunk?"

"Oh, no, I don't think so, Sir," Chansoo replied swiftly, trying to remember what Yoohan seemed like—which was challenging given the ungodly hour he decided to show up at. "He looked sober enough when he arrived, so I don't think there'll be any trouble with the law."

Although it wasn't like they couldn't bend the law if it came down to it. But less bribing money involved is better, still.

"You traced it?"

Another annoying thing they had to coax out of Lee Yoohan. But they managed to find out the clinic that he went to from the taxi driver, and hunt the whereabouts of the car. They managed to take a look at the GPS but nothing more.

"The garage is owned by the gang that opposes the group we are supporting, Sir."

"So we can't put any tracker?"

"No, Sir..."

Lee Wooseok tilted his head, eyes piercing into the front seat. "So why don't you put it on before he took the car out?!" the seat jolted with a harsh kick from Wooseok's leg.

Kim Chansoo coughed and hastily pressed his lips. He wanted to argue that he couldn't do it because the car only came that afternoon before Lee Yoohan arrived. But he knew well that Lee Wooseok wouldn't take any excuses, so he just gulped and apologized profusely.

There was a long silence that ensued after that, where even the driver and the secretary hold their breath, until Lee Wooseok spoke again. "So why did he do it?"

Kim Chansoo coughed once before answering swiftly. "We found out that he crashed near the xx bridge, Sir, so maybe..."

He didn't finish, didn't have to. Hearing the name of the bridge already put things into perspective. Lee Wooseok rubbed his lips, staring at the road outside, mind wandering to Lee Yoohan.

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