Fragile Heart

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I have a fragile heart.
One could easily shoot it with a dart.

But one should take care of its heavy shield.
For my heart does not easily yield.

One may wonder how a heart could be so weak.
As a weak heart leads only to a future that is bleak.

But in my mind all I have known; that secrets lies behind everything that is shown.

For I know that my heart is not so weak.
It only may seem so, but I know the havoc it could wreak.

If others knew of my heart's condition.
So I say it is so, being weak to even a sorrowful rendition.

But I cannot keep what is hidden in my heart for long.
For it desires and hungers; bursting with song.

But still I must say for now that I have a fragile heart; one that could be taken out by a dart.

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