Meeting with Grimhilde

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Snow stands the middle of her ball room, as she waits for Auretta she remembers the last memory here with her daughter: the night of that ball where everything started. It could have been so much easier, if Auretta never comes. Morana could be alive until this day. They would still live there happily, like nothing would have happened. She feels as the sadness overwhelms her body, and she lets it. The memory of her daughter makes her do unspeakable things: crying.
-Aww, feeling sentimental? - she hears the familiar voice.
-Auretta! You came!
-Of course I did!
Snow turns around to look at her enemy and she smiles.
-And you came alone!
-Is this a problem?
-No, I just thought you will bring your special squad!
-Leave them alone!
-I have no intention to harm them! I was hoping they will be there when you acknowledge the truth! I wanted to see their face and reaction!
-Why would you want that?
-You will learn it soon, my sweet - sweet Auretta!
As they speak Grimhilde arrives. He was following Auretta. How could she left her daughter alone with that monster, when she tried to kill her last time. She hides behind a furniture and listens their speech and prepares herself to attack if needed.
-You wrote me you want to tell the truth about my mother! Why would you do such a thing? I'm your enemy!
-Oh, don't think I'm doing this for your happiness! It's for me! I give you back the most important person in your life, then you will lose her again, just like I lost my daughter.
-You killed her, not me!
-And now I going to kill her too, this is something I should have done a long time ago: kill her and you too. But I learned from my mistakes, so let's dance sis!
-Oh don't be such a drama queen! Your just a fallen princess, nothing else!
-Enough! It's time for my revenge! Don't ruin it!
-I wouldn't dream of it! But why don't we speak about my mother now? - asks Auretta sarcastically and smiles as she sees how Snow gets more and more nervous and intolerant towards her. But she tries to stay calm and that's actually makes Auretta have fun, because this doesn't suite well to her sister.
-Remember? All those years ago how her story ended?
-I saw her running away from your dwarf army, then heard how she got killed. Fell of the top of a cliff.
-And that's exactly the end of the invented story by me. False my dear just like the other parts! Your mother never died! I lock her up. She lived in a dungeon all those years ago, near to me! In this castle! Downstairs, where the cells are.
-When I broke in to get the key to our kingdom, I found a place downstairs. It was obvious someone lived down for years. Was it her cell?
-I didn't have other prisoners near her, you only could have seen her place.
-Then what about Elizabeth? You did the same with her. That's what she was trying to say to me before I was going to meet with you? Did she know about my mother?
-What do you think Auretta, how is that possible, that your people came here to damage me, your mother gets the chance to escape, just like your dear Elizabeth, then you meet with her in the forest, but your mother is nowhere? Only her, who is no one? Why would I spend time torturing a no name person, when I only needed your mother?
-Enough! - yells Grimhilde as she stands up and walks next to Auretta - Stop torturing this girl already.
-Did you ever wonder, my dear sister, who really Elizabeth is? - she asks smilingly. - What's her story? Does she even have one? Or she just bought you with the special connection you to have since you were born.
-No! - says Auretta as she looks into Grimhilde's yeses. - You lied to me! - continues as she starts to cry.
-Auretta, please! Just listen to me!
-You saw me cry! I literally beg you! You saw my broken hear! And not one single time you mentioned me that you are my mother?
-I was scared, Auretta! I wanted to tell you, especially when Andrew and Morana realized it, but I was too scared that you will reject me.
-You were scared, so you rather watched your own daughter as she suffers from your own missing! Why the hell would you even think after our talkings that I would reject you?
-Then tell me sweetheart, what are you doing now? - she whispers.
-Right now I feel betrayed! By everyone! I feel angry and I can't understand, that my mother after spends decades in jail, comes finds me and let me in my believe system, that she died, and herself goes to incognito..why?
-You wasn't ready either! All those anger came from something horrible! Revenge! You needed to let this go in order to became a good queen.
-Hurts, doesn't it? When the only person, whom you trust in says something like this! - asks maliciously Snow.
-Enjoying the show? - asks Grimhilde - You had no right to tell my daughter my secret! It was my job!
-And you weren't able to do it! Someone had to tell the truth to that poor thing!
-Enough! - yells Auretta - Enough from the both of you! Leave me alone! - she finishes as she runs into the woods.
-You will regret this Snow! All those years ago, you put so much effort to win over me, just like now you doing this with Auretta, and yet you never noticed that I was on your side all along! At the end you will be alone! You will lose everyone, because no one can tolerate your madness and disrespect for long, if it not happened yet! And when that day comes, we will rise our victory! - she finishes, then leaves Snow to find Auretta.
-We will see about that, dear mother! - she answers and laughs.

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