I am Parchmento: Bio

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Full Name: Parchmento Alaric Vasileios Walker

Rank in the Phoenixian Omniverses: #2

Title: Second of the Last Two Born Phoenixians

Occupation: Dark Cosmic General of the Omniworld and Omniverses

Hobbies: Smithing, Magic Crafting, Rune Creation, Universe Skewering, Cosmic Court Judging, Soul Weighing, Soul Crushing, Reality Warping, Reality Shifting, Omniverse Altering.

Species: Demondeity

Race: Phoenixian

Power Scaling: Near-boundless.

Tier: High 1-A

Abilities: All Superpower Interactions, All Personal Physical Powers, All Emission, All Adaptation, All Enhanced Physical Skills, All Supernatural Physical Skills, All Vision Faculty, Mentality-based Powers, ESP, All Physical and Mental Domination, All Physics or Reality Manipulation, All Classical Elements, All Energy Manipulation, All Transportation and Travel, All Flight, All Individualistic, All Illusion, All Shapeshifting, All Divine. All Omni and All Nox.

Personality and Traits:
Strict yet kind, bloodthirsty yet just, psychotic yet morally guided correct, insane yet reasonable, constant growler yet loving, war-mongering yet peaceful, down-to-earth yet free-thinking. Bold in public yet calm-natured in private. Complicated.

Sticks to his own set of rules; a pioneer for humanity, but thinks mockingly of the wedge between men and women, science and religion, beliefs and facts, misogyny and misandry: in short, humanity inself. Insufferable and bold; leave first in an argument, however, you lose, no matter how you see.

He'll certainly be one not everyone wants to stay with. With enough time, patience and understanding, however, you may find something special within all that darkness...


"All that which is within the realms of all existences, your apocalypse is here!"

"Fight me? That's cute. Remember who my brother is again, then have another thought if you can even land a hit or not."

"Have a swing, have a shot, have a go! And all you will ever hit is not even air, but void..."

"I care not for mortal minds, mortal mouths, mortal everything. What they perceive is not even negative of a fraction of a percent of what I see and know..."

"People lose things for a reason. So must you. Want more character development?"

"I love being the villain to everyone's story, but the sidekick to my brother's, the hero to my own. Let them cry... HA HA!!!"

"What is it about sentience that makes us love it and abhor it at the same time?"

"I wish not to spill blood, but I will honor my commitment to Papyrus."

"Be damned, hypocrites of humanity, maggots of mankind. Brother will not lend you his love."

"All the lives living, lived and are to live will each have millions of philosophies. I'm glad the worst ones are saved for humans."

"Have all the governments in your world aim their guns at me, and I will bring forth absolute anarchy. Send for me your toughest and tall-standing, and I'll turn them soft and kneeling. Give me those who refuse to cry, those who stay silent, and I shall ruin them, make them cry and beg and scream. Bring forth the strongest powers and wisdoms of all things known and unknown, all beings, all entities, and I will make them weak. Bring me anything at all, I shall destroy them. Do not ever even think being my enemy will be easy, even if you're the most powerful being of your world."

"Despite my title as a deity, I am a theist. That should give you enough thought on how any more dangerous I get and how even more so is my superior, no?"

"The name and will of godhood has grown weak in my absence. It's either they fall, or follow my way."

"I cannot die. My birthright is outside existence. What could you possibly do to even at least tickle me?"

"Do not speak of morals, virtues and all goodwill to me as if I failed to uphold them any more than you did, humans and mortals. I only and just arrived here to cleanse the reputation; you lot on the other hand have been here with two millennia's worth of knowledge and wisdom and still magnificently taint what you are trusted with. How sick."

"Come to the darkness with me... And thrive."

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Voice Actors (in accordance to The Vessel):
English - Yuri Lowenthal
Chinese - Bo Peng
Japanese - Kenjiro Tsuda
Korean - Pyo Yeong-jae

Signatus et probatus a Phoenix Obscurae.

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