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Since a week or more I try to talk to my old childhood fake friends and I found them love me more thann before and all of my thougjts are wrong and we started to talk as before and more than before

Those day were the happiest days ever coz I know there real feelings toward me and I know that they adore me

But the worst day is when the little bingo wrote to me a letter and said that I made her feel bad and worst coz all of her thoughts about me are wrong and when I read her letter I was about to cry and I tried to feel that all what she wrote express how much she love me and feel jealous when I talk to my old friends

I told her a little thing that if I talk to those old friends this means that I'm loyal to them so I will be loyal to her but she started to make things I hate and I was about to hit her but I said in my mind that she loves me so this is an expected thing from the one I love alot

After our exam she and our friends were talking about the answers for the exam and I started to shout at them and go to sit with my old friends coz I felt that I was about to drawn down and feel very tired

And when we were talking to a girl who I hate alot and one of my friends who hates her too hit her as a joke but this hated girl started to cry and this time I knew that this hated girl is a good actress and bingo shout at me and go to sit with het and leave

From this time I decided to leave her as she leave me but the next day she run to talk to me in the morninh before the exam

I those day I cry all the time without a reason this is all what people know but the real reason only my cousin knows it and I want all the people know

I will tell you a little thing that may express the real reason that makes me feel like.

There is some one that when I talk to I feel tgat I will fly from happiness but I can't tell this person my feelings. Why?? I Don't know

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