About To Die

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The last two days were the worst days ever my uncle was very tired in the hospital and I couldn't see him till now and I always feel alone , unhappy and about to die. My old fake friends are very happy because I'm not with them and they didn't come to me and apologize and they don't know that they are the persons who make me unhappy and hate my life. Now I'm feeling broken and every time i see them sitting with other friends i feel that i was just a toy they played with it and when this toy became boring they throw it in the rubbish.

no one can feel what I'm feeling now without those idiots. i miss them and miss all our best moments and miss their joking and i miss laughing with them and saying just a silly jokes , selfie , fights and other things . I really miss them alot and they didn't know that , but this time i will fight my kind feelings and try to forget them and remove them from my mind. But i hope that they still remember me and never forget me as I cant forget them. and i want them to know they were my whole life and i couldn't live without them but all of that were in the past and now i know that all my thoughts were wrong and they hate me more than anything.

everytime when i remember that they leave me alone and when they go to sit in a place and im in this place they leave the place and go to another one. im sad because i feel that I've no friends or company. i want someone who knows me , could read my mind but till now i cant find this person. i think that i will stay alone without anyone who know me and understand me and till i found this person i will die from the lonely. i hope that i find this person soon .

no one knows my feeling , no one knows why I'm sad , why I'm happy , I'm crying . every-time and every moment i remember those idiots and remember our best moment i start to cry and i cant imagine that my little angels turned into evil people in a second

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