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Firstly, I'm sorry for being to much late....

Secondly I'll tell you my story...

There's a person that I love a lot but I can't tell anyone about this love because maybe it's from one side....

And everyone will think about this love from the wrong side, but there's no wrong to love someone......

No-one knows this secret except my cousin but my hope is to let everyone know this thing. Firstly I was too much happy but when I think about what people will say I hate this love.....

Want someone to push me to tell everyone and to be confident not to be afraid from anything, my cousin never let me the confidence to tell everyone and told me that's just liking not love, but I'm sure that's a true love....

If I told my parents they'll shout and never let me to talk to anyone again....

Everytime I think about this person I said that what will happen if I told this person, Maybe this person will ignore and told me that there's no love between us... But the worst feeling ever is to keep your feeling towards someone in your heart....

So what would I do by keeping this feeling. What if I said maybe this person is living me too....

So, what to do?! Help me?!

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