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And finally we went back to school from a few days and I was too much happy because I'll see my friends

But the last day in the vaccation I knew that we were sperated into to class . Firstly I shocked because I won't be able to see my little bingo all the time. And we will meet during the break time and the activity time only. And I won't be able to talk to my man as usuall amd this thing makes me angry. Because I decided that this year I'm gonna get closer to him to know everything about him espcially the girl that he loves the most.

But after this speration we are not gonna talk to each other like before. And the only time I talked to him is yesterday and it was the best day of my life and my heart's beat became stronger and stronger in each time he get nearer to me and I felt that I'm gonna fell down , that's why I went amd stand beside bingo.

My little bingo I want to talk to you face to face about this thing but I don't know how to start the conversation and all of our friends are sitting on our heads.

Really I need you to be at my side espcially in those days. So please never leave me alone.

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