A Taxing Endeavor

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 "So over under on the chances that Icy hot and his pops are actually gonna win this one?" Katsuki asks while running his fingers through his sweaty hair trying to cool off. "Honestly, I think Endeavor and Icy Hot might win this."

"Really? Why's that Bakubro?" Kirishima asks.

"Mainly because the level of versatility Endeavor has over his quirk. He's able to create weapons out of fire, control fires already created and even increase the temperature so hot that it can stop regeneration which Deku has a lot of. While he can control the weather, what's stopping Icy hot or his dad from turning the heat so high that any rain evaporates before it hits the ground."

"What about their teammates? I don't think the two of them will use that level of firepower with their allies and the plant life around." Kaminari asks.

"Here's a question, how come you idiots didn't bother using the other quirks Deku gave you all at nabu." The rest of his classmates collectively fall out of their chairs at the realization. "Don't tell me you forgot."

"They have been instructed not to Young Bakugou." Nezu interjects. "It is merely to put them on an even playing field with the other hero course students."

Bakugou scoffs at this statement. "Asui might have actually won if she was using the other quirk she was given."

"That may be the case however the quirks that you have been given have not been registered in UA's system and seeing as the other class doesn't have these bonus quirks you will still not be allowed to use them in this exercise." Nana enforces.

"I don't care if they can't use the quirks or not, I'm just making a point that Asui almost beat me."

"If that's all your interjections focus on the match." Aizawa grumbles.

Ground Theta

The forested area surrounding the small suburbs is deathly quiet, there hadn't been any animals in the other cities, but the lack of ambient noise from birds or cicadas is unnerving to the team that is making their way through it. Endeavor himself feeling slightly nervous about what he is going to face, while some of his coworkers had been a bit more brash and even arrogant in Miruko's case, Endeavor is making a point to be cautious about the trap they're walking into. Behind him a couple paces is Shoji, the dupliarm user using his duplicated ears to hear for any disturbance in the forest or the city ahead. Ojiro is halfway up a tall tree trying to scout out any signs of Deku. Sero and Todoroki are on the ground walking a few paces apart from each other, the subtle humming of Iida's engines being the only sound to disturb the almost deathly stillness of the forest. As Ojiro jumps towards the next tree something catches his eye, a strange almost invisible thread that was hidden in the shade. He only just saw it as it reflected the light from Endeavor's flames that sat on his shoulders.

"Guys? I know this is gonna sound like a really dumb question but are spiderwebs usually black?" He questions prompting Endeavor to stop dead in his tracks.

"Hold on what? You sure it isn't just the shade?"

"Nope it's completely black, I can't see where it's connected to but it looks like it's connected to the leaves and the branch I'm on." Ojiro responds.

"Don't touch it." Endeavor says sternly, as he stares off ahead of him. "All for One himself is blind, he uses other quirks to substitute his senses. Any vibration along any of the webs will alert him of our position."

"What makes you say tha-... Oh... oh no..." Sero asks before his voice trails off, he has caught up to Endeavor's side and now sees what had caused him to stop. Every square inch of the forest floor in front of them was covered in black threads, looking as if it were an infestation of spiders of biblical proportions. "We have to go that way don't we?"

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