Looking for Answers in the Past

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"Power is what All men strive for. The lack of such makes you helpless, power is needed to hold dominion over others and over creatures. Born with such a power is a blessing, and one you squander. Using a power that makes you a God to spare the lives of these worthless puny things you call people. To men like you and I, they are nothing and only exist to revere us." The voice of his father echoed around the blackness in his mind, soon coming to a physical form revealing itself. The eerie solid black suit, it's jacket left unbuttoned revealing a solid white button-up collared shirt underneath without a tie present. His eyes and top of his head shadowed out by a black and red miasma. "My son. My own flesh and blood. My spitting image squandering my power on beings that only exist to revere us. All they are, are sheep to the slaughter. Their usefulness taken from them and then disposed of like trash. Men like you and I, we are wolves that prey on the sheep that walk the earth. We dress like them so as to not raise fear but in actuality... We are Wolves, in sheep's clothing." Zencho Shigaraki states as he gestures his arms wide in front of him standing in a pose as if to accept worship.

From his chest, another miasma appears, black and green smoke leaches out from his chest and takes a human form in front of him. As it clears, Izuku is staring back at his reflection, as it stares back at him. It's eyes as black as the darkest night, hero suit ripped from a ferocious battle that had seemingly taken place. His hair was as white as the purest snow, not showing a single strand in his curls of hair. All of it looking as a single entity, only showing the curls on the outer edges of it. The power of All for One seemingly drew on the darkness around him as if to cast as shadow on the darkness itself. This version of Deku jerks up right in a super natural manner, as if possessed by some sort of entity before turning his head to the side as if studying his reflection. Before Izuku has a chance to react, this version of him lunges right at him and slashes at him with a hand that had been transformed into a blade made of viscera and bone.

Izuku snaps awake with a gasp, clutching at his chest as he sits upright in bed. Ochako is jerked awake by Izuku's sudden action, she sits up to find him clutching his chest and breathing heavily, drenched in sweat. She places her hand on the top of his back before pulling him into her to sooth the nightmare from him. "It's alright Izu, it was just a nightmare." Ochako says pulling him in a way so he turns and rests his head on her chest. "You saw him again didn't you?" She says rubbing her hand on his shoulder. He turns and wraps his arms around her and buries his face in her chest. She lovingly strokes a hand through his hair to calm his nerves and alleviate the fear from the vision. Neither knows how much time has passed as the two lay there in near silence but the sun peaking through the blinds of his dorm room window was an indicator of how long they were awake for. The tired eyes of Izuku look up into Ochako's own showing fear of what he saw in his dreams.

"I didn't just see him. I saw myself." He begins, his voice horse and groff as most are in the early morning. "I was standing in front of him, but I looked like Shigaraki. My hair was as white as snow and my eyes looked so dark they cast a shadow on the color black." He explains, "The power radiating off of him was terrifying and he moved unnaturally. Like a zombie."

"That isn't you, it's just him trying to mess with your mind through your All for One. how long has it been since you've taken a quirk? It could be that you're quirk starved and this is the quirk showing you that you need to feed to gain power and control over it." Ochako asks, trying to think of a reason as to why this may have happened.


"I almost forgot that you not only rewound Gentle Criminal to our age but also convinced Nezu to let him attend UA as a hero student." Ochako says after wincing from the shouting.

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