chapter 8

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<jessie's pov>

i wake up to the smell of pancakes. i sit up, rub my eyes and walk to the kitchen. there harper is, making breakfast pancakes.

"hey there beautiful! how did you sleep?" harper says cheerfully.

tw: ed behavoir/thoughts. if you dont want to read that skip to the white line

pancakes for breakfast, seriously? i never eat breakfast, let alone pancakes for breakfast. it has too many calories. i know i shouldn't be counting the calories i eat, but it gives me some form of comfort. my food intake is something i can control, unlike the rest of my pointless life.

"i slept okay" i say. we talk about random stuff while i panic more and more about the pancakes. they're finally ready.

i sit at the table, across from harper not knowing what to do. i really don't want to eat this, but harper put such effort in it i feel bad if i dont eat it. it is a war in my mind.

harper must see me being anxious, because they come sit next to me.

"it's okay. you deserve to eat, your body needs it. just a little bit okay?" harper says. she is so sweet.

"yeah i know i need it. my eating disorder is just fucking with me right now, im sorry." shit, why did i just tell them i have an eating disorder? im so fucking stupid!

"that's okay, thank you for telling me. try not to listen, whatever it's telling you is not true." she says, trying to comfort me.

tears start forming in my eyes. i don't want to cry, that would be so embarrassing.

"okay, at the same time. ready? 1, 2, 3." harper says. we take a bite at the same time, which made it so much easier for some reason. i finish the rest of my pancakes.

*end of ed behavior*

"i am so sorry. i really do appreciate you making this for me tho. thank you." i apologize.

"no worries. i'm proud of you baby. she says. they grab my face, and gives me a small kiss on my lips.

"oh hey look. madison made this picture of us last night!" i say to harper.

"that picture is so cute! send it to me, ima put it as my phone background

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"that picture is so cute! send it to me, ima put it as my phone background." harper says after looking at my phone.

<harpers pov>

when i grab my phone i see a couple of missed calls and texts from my dads. shit, i forgot to tell them i wasn't coming home.

"shit my dads called me like a million times. ima call them back real quick, excuse me." i say to harper and walk out to the hallway.

"hey dad. i am so sorry i forgot to tell you where i was. i spend the night and my friend jessies house." i say to my dad.

"you scared us! why didn't you pick up your phone?!" i hear my other dad trough the phone.

"im sorry i was having so much fun i didn't think to check my phone." i say to them. i feel so guilty. i know they are worried about me. the last time i didn't pick up my phone at night was the night of my attempt. since then they have been really careful and worried about me.

"it's okay, it just scared us. just tell us where you are next time okay?"

"yes dad, im sorry" i say. im glad they aren't super mad.

"it's okay kiddo. so you were having fun at jessies house? what did you do?" one of my dads ask, teasing and playing around.

"oh my god, dad! we just watched a film and fell asleep. calm down. also, if something were to happen i will not discuss that with you guys." i say.

"okay kiddo, just be careful okay? when are you home?" he says.

"i dont know, but i'll be home for dinner. love you" i say and i hang up the phone.

"and was your dad mad?" jessie asks when i walk back to the living room.

"dads, plural. and no they weren't really, they were just worried that something happened." i explain.

"oh you have 2 dads? cool" jessie reacts.

"yep. they adopted me when i was 10 years old. they are pretty amazing." i answer. i am always a little scared for peoples reactions when i found out my dads are gay, but jessie seems to be fine with it.

"oh okay. can i ask why you were adopted or would you rather not say?" jessie asks. of course, that question always follows.

"thats a long story for another time baby. i gotta be home for dinner, so what do you want to do till then?" i ask jessie to change the subject.

"hmm i dont know. but I'm hangover as shit so I am not really in the mood for people today. except for you of course." jessie answers, with a smile on her face. she is so cute!

"hahah okay. movie day?" i suggest.

"sure. i think we skipped half of the decendants movie anyways because we fell asleep lol" she says.

"okay, then move day it is." i confirm.

we watch the movies. i sang along with all of the songs, of course. jessie acted like she was embarrassed but i know she thought it was cute. i even caught her taking some pictures of me. after lunch we decide to watch the billie eilish documentary.

"i gotta give you a warning tho. i always cry watching the doc." jessie tells me.

"that's okay. i always cry too." i say.

Jessie snuggle up to me and starts the documentary. by the time we get to the part where billie talks about her depression we are both crying.

"are you okay harper? be careful you don't run out of tears!" she says jokingly, but also concerned.

"yea i am okay. i can just relate a lot to billie. you are crying too!" i answer.

we watch the rest of the documentary and then i went home.

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