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The moment when you get an AU inspiration in your head that is so strong you might explode. That brings us here

It always rains in Gotham.

Almost like there's a need to set a mood.

The rain tonight amplifies the sorrow. Damian almost aches with it. He's even shocked it happened. Bad things happen in Gotham all the time. It's nothing new. He'd grown numb.

But this, what had happened tonight, shook him to his very core.

Even in the pouring rain he could see the boy. He couldn't stop staring. His feet nailed the ground as he watches this child, who's whole life was just ripped from his small hands, attempt to relay as much information as he could to the authorities.

Damian feels like all of this could've been avoided if he hadn't taken the night off. That he could've known. That he should've known. That he could've stopped all of this, somehow. But instead The Sparrow stands helplessly as the newly orphaned flying Grayson is put in the back of a police car and driven away.

He decides two things that night.

Two things that will change his life irreparably.

The first thing is he is going to find who's responsible for this massacre and make them pay.

And the second thing is going to be making sure no more harm comes to that boy.

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