Dancing with the Devil

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It takes him way too long to find the Red Hood.

A whole week. In between looking for Grayson on his own he looked for Gotham's most notorious crime lord. A title even Damian had to admit was well deserved.

Todd had grown up in Black Mask's territory, and started off young as a drug runner like most kids his age in the area. Mask preferred using kids to move his product around, they were less conspicuous. Then the Joker blew up four city blocks when Todd was about fifteen. He'd been in and out of the CPS system, Juvy, and spent random amounts of time with his mother.

He'd been in prison when the Joker had blown up his mother. Todd had come back with vengeance. He was smart and moved up Mask's chain of command with a scary amount of ease.

Damian can remember his early days as the Sparrow. Todd was about five years older than him. He can remember the showdown. Damian honestly admired the ambition. Barely older than Damian was currently and Todd had staged a coup, taken all of Mask's territory and goons, killed him, and then kidnapped the Joker.

He and Batman weren't able to prevent Joker's death.

The Red Hood was violent and dangerous and no one knew Gotham better than him. He had hard lines that he didn't allow his men to cross. They weren't allowed to deal to kids under eighteen, near schools or hospitals, and they weren't allowed to go after cops. Hood's idea being if you were stupid enough to get caught that was your problem. And he enforced his rules.

Anyone that worked for Red Hood knew better than to cross him.

He'd calmed significantly since then and was known to work with Batman on rare occasions so long as it worked in his favor. Damian was counting on that.

He finds Todd, sans iconic red helmet on the ground next to him, sitting in the open on a rooftop, smoking a cigarette.

"Heard you've been looking for me." Todd calls out upon Damian's approach.

"I need your help." Damian tells him, standing a good distance away. Just in case.

"And why would I help you?" Todd asks, flicking the butt off the roof before standing to face Damian. "Are pigs flying?"

"This benefits you."

"Oh does it now?"

"Maronie's lieutenant, Anthony Zucco, flew a little too close to the sun." Damian tells him.

"Oh I know all about that. Public execution of some circus act." Todd confirms bluntly. He also understood, in Gotham anything can happen. "Apparently they weren't willing to pay the protection money. Shame honestly. Not what I would've done but... if I know Zucco, he's anything but subtle. I'm sure Maronie's gonna give him his ass in a basket over the whole thing though. He hates dramatics afterall."

"He didn't kill all of them. Their nine year old son is still alive. He's missing."

"Maronie got him?"

"I don't know. I can't find him."

"Why not ask Batman for help?"

"He's off-world on a league mission."

Todd's eyebrows shot up. "So it's just you?"

Damian stood a little straighter, crossing his arms. "I'm not telling you this to give you some sort of advantage. I'm telling you this because a child is missing and I need your help. I'm worried Zucco or Maronie did get him. All I care about is keeping him safe."

Todd narrowed his eyes. "Oh really?"

"Maybe you should think about the opportunities here. You'll be able to obtain some of his supplies or territory or even gain access to his more sensitive information while also keeping this kid safe."

"Going after Maronie isn't child's play. It's dangerous. There's a reason no one's attempted it."

"And maybe finding his traitorous lieutenant will put you in good favor with Maronie. Even give you the chance to take him out like you did Black Mask."

"I'm pretty sure that's an act that can only be done once."

"And I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to do it again. So long as you're given the right advantage. There isn't much loss for you here."

"Except face when I'm seen helping you out."

Damian deflated slightly. "He's a kid. He'll die if we don't step in."

"I don't really care who lives and dies. Slows you down."

"If that were true you'd be okay with dealing to kids." Damian points out. "We both know the moment I leave you're gonna start looking for him. How about we save ourselves a world of trouble and just work together."

Todd is unimpressed. "You got balls, kid. I respect it." He looks away briefly before sighing dramatically. "Fine, but I don't have enough eyes that I can trust for what you're needing. The guy you really need to talk to is the Shadow."

"I am not talking to him."

"Look I don't like him anymore than you do, but the only reason you and Batman were able to get to me when you did all those years ago was because of his intel. I know for a fact that if either of you had talked to him sooner you would've been able to stop me. I don't suggest making the same mistake twice, especially since a child's life is on the line." He leaned down to scoop up his helmet before continuing. "I'll keep an ear to the ground and let you know, but we need him and he'll talk to you long before he'll talk to me."

"Only because you tried to kill him."

"A couple of times."

It frustrates Damian to no end how right Red Hood is. The Shadow, as annoying as he is, he is the best in the game. He has more eyes than anyone. Damian knew deep down he probably should've gone to the Shadow first but he didn't want to.

Hopefully history wasn't repeating itself. Damian isn't sure he could live with himself if he does fail this.

"Have fun with him." Hood tells him as he secures his helmet. "We'll be in touch."

I almost considered having Jason be completely unhelpful but didn't like how that went. He's got too much of a soft spot for hurt kids. So rest assured Jason really is going to help. 

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