3 Years Later

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 Damian barely gets past the threshold before being accosted by Richard.

The hug is tight and nearly suffocating.

He hadn't been gone for that long but felt the boy had grown another few inches.

"You're back." Richard tells him before releasing Damian.

"I am, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school? It's the middle of the day."

"Okay, first, I'd be home regardless because it is four in the afternoon and second it was a half day."

"A half day?"

"As if Alfred would let me skip."

"Fair point. How were things here?"

"Boring." Richard stepped back bracing himself against the wall. "B let me run comms last night."

"He shouldn't have let you do that."

"Well he did, so, yell at him. He offered. I didn't ask."

Damian shot him an unimpressed look at the obvious lie. Richard asked every single night.

"Fine, I only asked once. He said no, and then offered a few nights later."

Damian rolled his eyes.

"He actually was wanting to see you in the study as soon as you got back." Richard instructs as Damian puts his coat in the side closet.

"Is he up there now?"

"I think so."

"Do you know if it's important?"

"Based on his tone and demeanor. It's something heavy."

"Great." Damian grumbled. "Fine, don't eavesdrop."

"I would never." If Damian didn't know him so well, he'd be convinced.

"Stay down here."

"Rude." He calls out as Damian goes upstairs to the study.

He knocked lightly before stepping inside. "Richard said you had something important to discuss."

"I never told him it was important." his Father provided as he closed his laptop.

"He read between the lines."

"There really is no lying to him."

Damian shook his head. "Not usually. What's going on?"

Father sucked in a breath, leaning back in his chair. "I take it the mission went well."

"It was very successful. Per usual. But that's not what you wanted to discuss."

Father nodded affirmatively. "It isn't. I've been doing some thinking. I wanted you to go on this mission before I made the final decision."

Damian narrowed his eyes. He suspected where this might be going but he hadn't expected it so soon.

"I have decided to retire from Batman."

"Really?" Damian was rightfully skeptical.

There have been a few times when Father had to step away from the role but only once had it been voluntary. That had lasted a whole week, the other times he had been too injured to be useful. It hadn't stopped him from trying to sneak out.

This wasn't something Damian was sure he actually meant.

"Yes, really." Father answers. "I know in the past, me relinquishing the role was... difficult."

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