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Damian's only detour had been stopping at Leslie Tompkins clinic to have Richard checked out before taking him to Gordon.

He'd learned that he preferred to be called Dick (Damian has already told him he's not calling him that) and that he's fluent in at least three languages but had only started learning English in the last year when he learned that they would be touring the east coast.

His English was near flawless. Damian was impressed and a little shocked Richard didn't consider this one of his fluent languages and registered it under the category of comfortable. There were a lot of languages he was comfortable with, he could speak in full sentences and knew more than just basic questions. He, honestly, probably had more range than Damian. It was very impressive indeed.

After Dr. Tomkins had deemed him safe and provided a dry change of clothes, Damian contacted Gordon to let her know that he had Richard.

Damian wanted to avoid relinquishing him. He was very afraid that they would lose track of him. A likely possibility anymore. One he wasn't going to risk. But Gordon would fight that. No way would she let Richard hide away illegally with Damian.

They'd come up with a neutral meet up spot that wouldn't draw too much attention.

Richard clung to Damian's arm. He was exhausted and rightfully afraid. What he really needed was a warm meal and a safe place to sleep. But he'd promised Gordon, and while he didn't call her the minute he had him he did call the moment he genuinely was safe.

She nearly leapt out of the patrol car when they approached but calmed herself.

"Do you remember her?" Damian asked Richard.

He eyes her suspiciously as she gets closer. There isn't immediate recognition.

It's obvious she wants to scoop him up in her arms and run. She hesitates with whatever she's going to say. "Hi Dick."

"You're the police officer." His voice is so quiet Damian almost doesn't catch what he says. He still hasn't let go. Damian was doubtful that he would. His fingers dug into Damian's armor..

She smiles lightly before nodding. "I am, and Dick, I- I am so sorry. I didn't know they were going to send you there. I wouldn't have let them if I'd known."

Damian knows that's true enough. She would do a lot of things if people would provide her with all of the information the first time.

Richard shrinks up against Damian's side, as if he was trying to hide. "You said I wouldn't have to go back."

"And I meant it." Damian replies firmly. "I won't let you go back there."

"You're not going back there Dick." Gordon confirms. "But you can't stay with him either."

"Why not?" Richard's voice fills with emotion so quickly. He's been so overwhelmed by the night's events.

"Dick, he's- He's a vigilante. I know he does a lot of good, and I don't think for a second that he would ever purposely hurt you, but it's not safe with him."

Richard doesn't budge. Damian certainly isn't going to make him.

She lets out a long breath through her nose. Almost sounding like a frustrated sigh. She looks up at Damian.

"I can't let him go with you." She sounds defeated.

"He's been through enough tonight. He'll be safe with me."

"Maybe that's true enough. But what about long term? Hm?"

"I already have a plan."

"Sparrow. This is a human child. Okay?" Her tone is borderline offensive. "This isn't some evidence from an active crime scene, this is a child. I cannot let you just keep him in your hideout."

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