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 "I know this is... strange. But I couldn't leave him." Damian tells Pennyworth.

"I have been presented with stranger requests." Pennyworth tells him as he discreetly watches Richard in the dining room. "I will admit that I did not expect this from you."

"Neither did I." Damian admits fully.

Pennyworth had waited a little before even attempting to question Damian on the situation. He greeted Richard and made him a sandwich before pulling Damian away.

"I do think it is very noble of you to want to give this boy a better life." Pennyworth places a hand on Damian's shoulder.

He can remember a time when he would never have allowed the elder man to ever do something like that. How things had changed.

"You don't think it's a bad idea?" Damian can't help the honesty. Pennyworth has always provided the best advice, no matter how it made someone feel it was always right.

"It is never a bad idea to help someone in need. And it's not as if we don't have the room. I only wonder what your intentions are."

"I just want to give him a safe life to live." Damian watches Richard too. Finally able to articulate his desires for this. "I want him to be able to live a full life, to have every opportunity. I just want him to be happy."

"Then I see no reason why he can't stay."

"I do feel I may have created a problem with Lieutenant Gordon."

"Why is that?"

"She allowed Sparrow to keep the boy for the night while she figured something else out. There is no way she won't see me, Damian, as obviously Sparrow keeping him indefinitely. She'll fight this."

"Then we will cross that bridge when we come to it. For now. We should get him settled here."

"There's something I need to do first." Damian tells him before exiting the kitchen and sitting in the chair next to Richard.

"Your house is huge." Richard tells him the moment Damian sits down.

"And very old."

"Do you live here alone?"

"No, my father lives here, along with Pennyworth, our butler."

"Your dad is Batman. Do you live with Batman?"

Damian can't say Richard doesn't know how to read between the lines. Damian has been more than a little surprised at how much he picks up from social cues alone. It's a reasonable conclusion to make in this situation. And if Richard does stay, it's not like he wouldn't figure it out eventually.

"He is. I do." Damian confirms.

"That is so cool." There's almost a smile on his face. Not quite, more like its shadow.

Damian hasn't seen him smile yet.

"Richard, I wanted to ask you something. I want to make sure you're okay with it before we go any further."

Richard's focus locks on Damian. The gaze is a lot sharper than Damian is used to out of children.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to stay here. Live with me and my father, for as long as you'd like. I understand if you chose not to or change your mind in the future. This offer won't expire. You can leave now and come back two weeks from now or ten years from now and you would be welcome. But I want you to know you have the option."

"I could live here? With Batman and the Sparrow?"

Damian huffs out a laugh. Of course that's what he'd focus on. "That would be the idea."

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