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There's no need to be Sparrow for this request. Shadow already knows who he is, he knows who everyone is.

Batman initially had perceived him, rightfully, as a threat. It was too much information. But, he'd proven himself. Even Damian wasn't concerned that his information would be mysteriously leaked. Some things would need to change drastically. Which was unlikely to happen.

Damian waited outside the main hall of Gotham University as a class left the building. A bunch of twenty something talking amongst themselves about whatever mundane things comes to their mind.

His father had attempted to encourage Damian to take some classes, maybe make some friends. Damian was far too busy to maintain things like friendships.

Drake sees him the moment he leaves the building.

"Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later. I forgot about some stuff."

"Okay, bye Tim." A blonde girl calls out as she leaves.

He waits a moment longer for the crowd to disperse a little more before approaching Damian.

"Shadow." Damian greets, bluntly

"Sparrow. What are you doing here?" Drake asks. He's skeptical. Damian never sought out his assistance.

"I'm looking for the Grayson boy."

"That kid from that huge murder over a month ago?"

Damian isn't surprised Drake's aware of this. "He's missing."

"You need me to find him?"

Damian sucks in a breath. "I am out of options. Time is running out."

"Of course." There's no hesitation. "We'll head back to my dorm for my equipment."

It still amazes Damian that Drake genuinely wants to help. These skills are profitable and Drake uses them purely for the benefit of others.

Drake's dorm isn't that far from the main square. Damian doesn't even get a chance to take in the living situation before Drake is in the system.

"Where was he seen last?" Drake asks him, his tone was pure business. He understood the urgency.

"St. Agnes Group home. I don't know when he left. But I do know when he got there."

"Do you know how long he was there?"

"A couple of weeks."

Drake makes a face. "Poor kid." he comments before getting to work. "There's no cameras in St. Agnes so we're just gonna have to use the ones nearby. Looks like there's three with good angles of the actual building and four others with decent angles of the street. We'll start there."

"I've already done this." Damian tells him pointedly. He's not an amateur.

"Well we're doing it again. Fresh eyes can be useful."

Damian watches again as Grayson is escorted in by a social worker.

"Do you know who the social worker is?" Drake asks him.

"Mary Thompson." Damian supplies. "She's new. She's barely been with them for a year. She's overloaded."

"Most social workers are."

"What about -"

Damian is cut-off by the dorm door opening.

"Hey Kon." Drake greets off handedly.

Damian knows exactly who this is. He'd forgotten Superman's clone had decided to attend school here. And that he and Drake were actually friends. Damian and the Superboy had never actually worked together. They knew about each other but Damian was well aware that, while he knew who Superboy was, Kon-El had no idea who Batman and the Sparrow were.

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