The Plan

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"The Stone reacts to anything organic. The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge" Gamora said. "All Ronan's got to do is touch the Stone to the planet's surface and zap. All plants, animals, Nova Corps" Peter said. "Everything will die" Gamora said. "So Ronan does not make the surface. Rocket and Y/N will lead a team to blow a hole in the Dark Aster's starboard hull. Then, our craft and Yondu's will enter" Peter said, showing two big spaceships on one of the screens. "Won't there be hundreds of Sakaaran soldiers inside?" Kraglin asked. "I think of Sakaaran as paper people" Drax said. Kraglin smiled and playfully punched Drax. Drax looked back at him seriously. Kraglin just looked away. "Once they know we're on board, Ronan will isolate himself behind impenetrable security doors on deck. Which I can disable by dismantling the power source" Gamora said. "We'll make it to the flight deck, and I'll use the Hadron Enforcer to kill Ronan" Peter said. "Once Ronan is dead, we will retrieve the Stone. Use these devices to contain it. If you touch it, it will kill you" Gamora said. "I'll contact one of the Nova

officers who arrested us. Hopefully, they'll believe we're there to help" Peter said. "There's one more thing we need to complete the plan. That guy's eye!" Rocket said as he pointed to a random Ravenger. You chuckled. "No! No, we don't. No, we don't need that guy's eye" Peter said frantically. "No, seriously, I need it! It's important to me" Rocket said with a chuckle. Peter started to walk away. Yundo grabbed his shoulder. "Remember, boy. At the end of all this, I get the Stone. You cross me, we kill you all" he said, then he walked away. Gamora walked alongside Peter, who was then joined by Drax, followed by you and Rocket, and Groot who followed from behind. "Let's go get 'em, boys!" Yundo said. The bottom of his spaceship opened, and a ton of mini spaceships flew out, which was led by Rocket, as you sat in the seat next to him inside the spaceship. "This is a terrible plan" Gamora said. "Hey, you're the one who said you wanted to die among friends" Peter said.


The Ravengers stopped their spaceships in front of The Dark Aster. "Fire!" Yundo commanded. All of the Ravengers shot at the Aster. "Cover it down. Submerge!" Yundo said. "Rocket, Y/N! Hurry!" Peter urged. Rocket led The Ravengers over to the Aster, and you and Rocket, along with The Ravengers began shooting at the Aster. "Come on!" Kraglin said, then he shot the Aster once more. "Quill! Yondu! Now!" You shouted. Yundo's spaceship was shot and began falling. "Hell! I'm going down, Quill! No more games with me, boy! I'll see you at the end of this!" Yundo said as his spaceship fell. "There are too many of them, guys! We'll never make it up there!" Gamora said. Drax looked around at all of the mini spaceships from the Aster. Suddenly, more spaceships appeared and began flying towards the Aster. "Peter Quill. This is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. For the record, I advised against trusting you here" Denarian said. "They got my "dick" message!" Peter said. "Prove me wrong" Denarian said. A hole was shot right through the Aster and Peter drove his spaceship inside it. "Yes!" Drax cheered as he laughed. Peter pulled the handle on his spaceship, which slid across the floor, and eventually stopped. Gamora smiled. "We're just like Kevin Bacon" she said. Rocket flew the spaceship under the aster, and looked up at the battle of spaceships from above. "Oh, man" he said.

Peter, Gamora, Drax and Groot stepped into the aster. "I can barely see" Drax said. Groot opened up his hand, and out came thousands of little lights, that began to light up the dark room. "When did you learn to do that?" Drax asked. "Pretty sure the answer is "I am Groot"" Peter said. "The flight deck is 300 meters this way" Gamora said as they started walking again. "I want you all to know that I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders. It is pleasing to once again have friends. You, Quill, are my friend" Drax said. "Thanks" Peter said. "This dumb tree, he is my friend" Drax said. "And this green whore, she, too..." Drax was cut off. "Oh you must stop!" Gamora said. Nebula grunted as she jumped in front of them. "Gamora, look at what you have done. You have always been weak. You stupid, traitor..." Nebula was cut off when Drax shot her down with the blaster. "Nobody talks to my friends like that" he said. "Head to the flight deck. I'll shut down the power to the security doors" Gamora said as she started to walk away. Peter, Drax and Groot walked away.

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