--=Scarlet's Pet=--

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The night was not going how you had expected at all. It had felt like one minute you had been shivering on the ground, feeling like you were slowly dying from the cold and hunger... probably because you were, considering how long it had been since you had last eaten something. 

...But now here you were, having a conversation with Peril herself. You were still feeling pretty cautious around her, but you were slowly feeling more at ease, and Peril appeared to be acting the same way. The only Dragon that was not feeling at ease in the slightest was Tsunami. It was obvious she wasn't fond of Peril, and her presence, but Peril either didn't seem to notice or simply didn't care. You were suprised of how many questions Peril had been asking. She appeared to have gotten over her initial shock that you could talk and was suprised when you had told her your name.  

"I didn't know Scavengers had names." Peril said, tilting her head, which earned a small chuckle from you. "What do you think we called ourselves? Then again, you didn't even know that we could talk!" You asked jokingly, as Peril let a small smile creep onto her face. 

Peril nodded. "I suppose that makes sense." She replied, as she sat down, being careful not to make any accidental contact with you in any way, as both of you knew that that would result in your certain death. Peril took in a breath, as if she was bracing herself to ask you something. Like it had been bothering her for a while.

"It's weird... you know, I'm still struggling to understand how a Scavenger can talk... I mean, I've encountered many Scavengers before, either as an opponent or as food... which I guess is kind of the same thing. Not that you are!" She added quickly, which quickly put your rise of uneasiness at rest. At least as relaxed as you can get when you have an actual Dragon sitting just across from you. Even if you knew that she wasn't going to hurt you...

...at least you thought she wasn't going to hurt you. And to be honest, a part of you was feeling queasy with excitement at the prospect of meeting Peril. The real Peril! It was exactly the same feeling you had felt when you had first met Tsunami. Utter enthusiasm at the thought of actually meeting a real character from Wings of Fire!

 Even if some of the interactions have been a bit terrifying... you thought, thinking back to meeting Scarlet for the first time, and when Tsunami at first had tried to eat you. 

You turned your attention quickly back to Peril, when you realized that she was still talking. 

"I guess what I'm trying to say is... I've met many Scavengers before, but not a single one of them could talk... how come you can? What makes you different? Are you animus enchanted?" She asked. 

You couldn't help but shiver as your eyes left her gaze, as you looked down at your feet. Your clothes were torn and dirty after meeting Dragon after Dragon. You thought about what Peril had said. It sounded eerily similar to something Queen Scarlet had said. 

What makes me so different? Maybe because I'm not a normal Scavenger? Maybe because I'm not even from this world... 

 You looked back at her to say something, before realizing that she was no longer listening. Peril's eyes looked like they were focused on something else, before tilting her head upwards. Her ears twitching, as if she was listening to something. 

"U-Uh, Peril? Tsunami?" You asked, as you looked up at Peril, before looking down at Tsunami, having not moved from her entanglement of chains. Both Dragons were doing the same thing, as they tilted their heads towards the night sky. Ears twitching. Their hearing was no doubt better than yours, so naturally, you followed where they were looking before you spotted what looked like another Dragon flying towards your platform. At least, it looked like another Dragon... you couldn't be too sure as it was very dark, leaving only natural light to be relied on. 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now