Chapter 5- First Day

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"Scarlett? Scarlett! Wake up! We're about to be late!" I drowsily opened my eyes and felt Cerise shaking my shoulders vigorously. A uniform was flung onto my bed as Cerise frantically threw notebooks, textbooks, and pencils into my bag.

"What?" I snapped into action at Cerise's panic, pulling my skirt on while she tugged at my flaming red waves and tied a black bow in my hair.

"I'm responsible for you since you're new. If we don't hurry, we're going to get a bunch of demerits today."

We raced down the hallway just as the bell struck seven. She gasped a sigh of relief and blew her curls out of her face.

"Cerise! Over here!" Ruby called to us, waving her hand. "Sorry, this table is only for two," Ruby told me scornfully as Cerise took a seat beside her. I tried to catch Cerise's eyes as she rummaged through her bag. But she wouldn't look at me. She simply flipped her hair and started laughing with Ruby. Presumably about me.

"Miss Darkworth, take a seat," the teacher commanded as I looked around the room. There were no empty seats. The teacher tapped his shoe impatiently, "Hurry up, I'm waiting. We haven't got all day now, do we?" As students around me began to murmur, I caught some of their words.

"She's going to have to sit next to him."

"I feel so bad."


I turned around and saw Mystery Guy, sitting in the back corner, looking at me. Everyone was still staring as I awkwardly walked up to him.

"Look, I know I'm irresistible, but could you stop following me?" He whispered.

"These students seem to think otherwise. In your dreams, Heath," I whispered back and started jotting down notes. Weird, I thought as the teacher started his lecture on vampires. In what school did we learn about mythical creatures?

After class, I met up with Cerise and Ruby.

"I'm so sorry you had to sit with Heath," Cerise apologized.

"The table was only for two," Ruby adds but Cerise stays silent.

"I'm going to go now," I muttered and brushed past them. I saw Heath rounding a corner, so I decided to follow him and see what he was up to. He walked outside and approached a huge stone wall. There was a tree next to it, so I stealthily climbed up until I was nestled safely in the leaves.

"Is he going to fly over it?" I thought as I peeked through the leaves

He walked over to any ivy curtain growing on the wall and parted it. There was a door behind it! I wanted to follow him, but I decided against it. I had to get back to our room before Cerise found out and got mad at me.

"Next time, Heath Dandridge, I'll find up what you're really up to, I thought as I made my way down the tree and returned to my dorm room.

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