Chapter 6- Down the Stairs

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"I'm so tired!" Cerise moans and falls on her bed face first. "So, Scarlett, how was your first day?" The blankets muffled her voice.

"It was okay, but what's the deal with Heath?" I asked and waited for an answer. But all I heard was Cerise muttering something under her breath.

"Cerise?" I called again. I walked up to the bed, but it was empty. Where did she go? I wandered around the room panicking when I heard her voice again.

"I thought I told you to stay away from him."

I whirled around to see Cerise still lying on her bed.

"Where did you go?" I asked her. I could've sworn she wasn't there a few moments ago.

"I was lying here all the time. Just stay away from Heath will you?" Her voice became dangerously sweet, "I wouldn't want anything to happen to my dear roommate."

I backed away from her bed, frightened by her behavior.

"Thank you for looking out for me," I replied shakily.

"You're very welcome." She smiled at me and turned off the light.

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That night, I heard some noisy creaks that woke me from my sleep. When I pulled off my covers, I noticed Cerise's bed frame flipped upwards! Underneath, there was a staircase leading downstairs.

Out of curiosity, I decided to go down and see where it led me. When I reached the near bottom, I heard voices and caught someone saying my name.

"I've heard some really dark rumors surrounding the new girl," Rose, who was really quiet and didn't talk much, whispered.

"Like what?" A familiar voice answered. I cringed when I realized it was Cerise.

"I heard," Ruby spoke up, "that she's a vampire."

"No way," Cerise said. "We haven't had a vampire in our school in a century."

I tried to make my way down the staircase but just then, I stepped on a loose floorboard and it creaked. Crap. I was going to get caught.

"Did you hear that?" I heard Rose whisper.

"No, hear what?" Ruby replied.

Cerise stood and brushed her skirt off. "We should get going, I don't want to get caught."

I turned and ran up the staircase and dove into my bed, my heart pumping against my ribs.

A few moments later, Cerise came up and clapped her hands. The bed fell back in place, concealing the hidden passage underneath.

I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard her footsteps coming closer to my bed. She leaned in so close, I could feel her cold breath on my face. My nose began to tickle. Don't sneeze, don't sneeze, don't- I sneeze all over her face

I sneezed all over her face and Cerise stepped back, tripped, and fell. I opened my eyes and rubbed them, pretending to look drowsy.

"Hey Cerise," I mumbled, "What are you doing on the floor?" Cerise hastily wiped her face, disgusted, and stood up.

"Nothing, I was going to the use washroom," Cerise said and trudged towards the bathroom.

I breathed a sigh of relief after she closed the bathroom door. That was so close. What would've happened if I'd gotten caught? I shook my head rapidly, trying to get rid of the thoughts that swarmed in my brain.

I stared at the ruby necklace around my neck and suddenly, my chest felt heavy and my shoulders weighed down.

"Don't cry, Scarlett. Stay strong. I'll always be here for you. I love you more than you could ever know."

My mom's final words echoed in my head and finally, a single tear dropped onto the bed sheets, spreading like a flower in bloom.

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