Chapter 7- Darker

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The next day, I got the same cold shoulder from Rose and Ruby, complete with Cerise pretending that nothing was wrong.

But I didn't have time to worry about that now. After what I'd heard in the basement yesterday, I had to find out more about vampires because apparently, I was one now.

Right after school, I headed to the library to find out more about vampires. I couldn't use the internet. They had taken all my devices on the first day of school.

"Excuse me, can you show me the books on vampires??" I asked the sleepy librarian, who pointed me toward them. There was a whole shelf on them!

I picked up the volumes that seemed most likely to give me the information I wanted. I knew the basics, of course. Pale skin, can't see themselves in mirrors, burn in sunlight, allergic to garlic - the stuff everyone hears. But I'd never experienced any of those. So if I really was a vampire like Cerise, Rose and Ruby claimed, then I'd be needing some solid proof.

I wasn't completely shocked at the revelation that I might be some ancient mythical creature you only read about in fairy tales. A lot of things made sense because of it. How my mother isolated me from the rest of the world, the nurse and my aunt's weird comments about being "one of them", even the blue blood, and how I'd ended up at a school like this.

I never had any of these "Vampire Symptoms". Was this because my mom protected me so well, or was it because I was thinking too much and letting my emotions get in the way?

There were still a lot of holes in that concept. And that's why I was combing through the shelf and picking up massive books I'd normally never go near.

I was about to settle down and start reading when another book caught my eye. Blood red, embellished with gold. Curious, I pulled it out and took a look at the cover. 'A HISTORY OF VAMPIRE CLANS,' read the title.

Dumping my books on the table next to me, I flipped the volume open. The first few pages were mostly long and lengthy essays about the gloriousness of vampires and their unholy blood, so I mostly sped through them without giving them much thought. Then there were the family trees, which were so convoluted that I didn't even bother properly looking at them.

Until I saw my face reflected back at me.

With a start, I glanced closer at the picture. It was a woman with fiery red hair - the exact same shade as mine. As I looked closer, I started noticing more similarities. Her eyes were different - they were more hazel than green, but we had the same noses. The same smile. Even her ears looked exactly like mine.

Heart racing, I glanced down at her name.

"Elena Darkworth," read the label.


That was my last name.

Was this some kind of joke? As I kept reading the information about the Darkworths, I found out that they were the most prestigious vampire clan. Apparently, they ruled the vampire world. Does this mean I'm vampire royalty? I tried searching the tree for my parent's name but I paused and groaned. I never knew my dad's name and my mom's name wasn't present. I tried searching the other clans for my mom's name too. But I couldn't find them. So was I related to these people, or was it just some silly coincidence?

"I would like to check these out," I told the librarian as I set a humongous pile of vampire history on his desk. He looked up at me through his thick glasses and nodded slowly.

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