Club Solita Museum

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You wake up to Savage's dead asleep arms somehow still wrapped around your waist, unfortunately you are going to have to break his grasp as you have to get up and go have a shower, so very carefully you remove his arms from your body and creep out of bed crossing your fingers that he doesn't wake up, you're good and he is still fast asleep until you're twisting the door handle and it makes one of the loudest noises in the quiet room and you hear the sheets rustling followed by the tired and crackly voice
Savage: Y/n?
Hoping that hes still hazy and will just fall back asleep you slowly and quietly turn around only to find that he's eyes are open and his sitting up with less than a %1 chance he is going back to sleep
Savage: Where are you going?
You: I was going to go have a shower, get ready and go home so that you guys can do your own thing today
Savage: NO
You: Why am I not allowed to shower, if not I'm happy to just go home
Savage: No I have plans for us today
You: Really
Savage: Yeah
You: Sorry I forgot, when did you tell me
Savage: I haven't
You: Oh why where are we going
Savage: It's a surprise
You: What do I wear then
Savage: Something nice
You: What do you mean like a dress nice or just nice casual
Savage: Just look put together
You: Okay?
Savage: Also let me know once you've finished in the shower I need to have one myself
You: Yep
Savage: You can go now
You: Thank you I didn't know I was under your control
Savage: Yeah I'm top G
You: Please shut up
Savage: Why you intimidated by the top G
You: Do you still want a girlfriend?
Savage: Yeah
You: Shut up and go back to sleep or find something to wear then
Savage: Okay top G
You: Cute nick name I like it
Savage: What the!
You go have a quick shower so that once you're out Savage can go have his one while you get ready and try to find a outfit that will make you look put together, which you tend to find a little difficult because you have barely anything but you do manage to find something you like from some clothes you bought and forgot to bring home

You wake up to Savage's dead asleep arms somehow still wrapped around your waist, unfortunately you are going to have to break his grasp as you have to get up and go have a shower, so very carefully you remove his arms from your body and creep out...

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