Merry Christmas

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You wake up feeling instantly joyful and happy, after all it's Christmas Day and it's practically law to wake up in a good mood, to celebrate your happiness you start the day off by jumping on top of sleeping Savage giving him a massive hug
You: Merry Christmas Savage!
Savage: Huh
You: Merry Christmas,I hope you like your present
Savage: Wait wah, where's my present
You: Right here
Savage: Where
You: It's me!
Savage: Oh
You: What the
Savage: I'm joking
He wraps his hands around your back joining in on this massive hug you've got going, as your enjoying the embrace you both seem to hear a repetitive knocking sound of the wooden door
Savage: Is that someone knocking?
You: They probably want to go open presents
Savage: Do I get to open my present
You: From who
Savage: From you
You: I didn't get you a present
Savage: Why wasn't I allowed to sit in here while you were wrapping presents then
You: Because you would first of all get bored and second of all you'd tell everyone what I got them
Savage: I got you a present though
You: Cool let's go open it then
Savage: Nah I think your mum would like it more
You: Get up!
Savage: Why
You: It's Christmas morning and we have to go open presents
Savage: What about breakfast
You: What do you mean that's comes after presents
Savage: Sorry! Some people have to have breakfast first, it was a question
Y/l/s: Wake up!! We wanna open presents!
You: We're coming don't worry!
Devonte: Yeah right!
Savage: We're coming Devonte!!
Devonte: Just making sure, you never know what you two are doing behind closed doors
Savage and you gather your shit together and crawl out of bed, out of your room and out into the living room and onto the couch, ready to open and share presents with everyone
You and Savage: Merry Christmas
Your mum: Merry Christmas to you guys two
Your dad: Where did you guys go last night though
You: What do you mean
Your dad: I'm assuming it was you guys, considering I heard talking
Devonte: OooOo did you guys go out on a late night endeavour
You: No we didn't go anywhere last night
Savage: Yes we did
Y/l/s: OOoo drama
You: Who'd you go with cause it wasn't me I stayed home
Savage: Well yeah we didn't go anywhere but we did go outside
Your dad: Yeah thats what I meant
Your mum: Why did you guys go outside
You: Savage wanted to try out the hot tub
Your mum: Oh you brought swimsuits
Savage: No but we worked around it
Y/l/s: Can we open presents already
Your mum: Y/l/s don't be rude
You: It's okay, I think it's time to open presents too
Your dad: Well find the ones with your names on it then
You: You guys have too two though
Your mum: What do you mean there isn't any under the tree of us
Savage: Trust me there is
Your mum: Oh no you shouldn't have Savage
Savage: Y/n told me I had to
Your mum: I tell her every year that getting me and her father something isn't important but she always does and now shes telling you too as well
You: You guys deserving something nice trust me we didn't mind
Your mum: We do have nice things
You: I know but you deserved to let us spoil you a bit
Everyone goes through the presents under the tree until they're all placed around the living room sitting with the person who's name is written on the gift, waiting to be opened when it finally comes to their turn
Your mum: Okay I know you guys haven't been here to celebrate Christmas Day in a while but we still go from youngest to oldest
Savage: I have to wait till last!
Your dad: No I do
Savage: Oh
You: You think I'd date someone older than my dad
Savage: I don't know maybe
Your mum: Y/l/s do you wanna start opening your presents
Everyone opens their presents individually extremely grateful for each gift they receive from each person
You get Y/l/s; An axolotl and a purple cow squish-mellow, yellow polaroid camera, a amethyst tear drop necklace, teddy bear and heart socks and a little care package of lip gloss, face masks and perfume
You get Devonte; Some new white converse, new white socks, a knit duck hoodie and some cologne
You get Savage; A chained Medusa ring, Prada sunglasses, new white socks, a tri coloured hoodie and some custom jeans you hand painted for him with his name on them, flowers, skeletons, lighting, a dragon, a snake and flames
You/Savage get your mum; Platform mini uggs, fluffy socks and 3 new books for her to read
You/Savage get your dad; New white socks, Tasman ugg slippers, a vintage gold band watch and some cologne
Then you receive; Lego flowers, a Betty Boop shirt and a knit sweater from Devonte
A pearl teddy bear necklace from y/l/s
Embroidered flower socks and a tennis bracelet from your parents
And then Savage gets you some embroidered flower converse, perfume, candles, skims slip dress and lounge onesie and your favourite gift, custom sweatpants with your name on, flowers, vines, colourful smiley faces, hearts, a teddy bear and dragonflies
Once everyone has opened their presents you take them back to your own rooms so that you can either leave them to deal with later or put away now, you of course are prepared to have a couple drinks and get home late so you deal with both yours and Savage's presents now, putting them away in the spare suitcases you brought the unwrapped presents in
Savage: So
You: So
Savage: Do you like your presents
You: Of course I do, what about your jeans
Savage: What about them?
You: Do you like them
Savage: Yes!!
You: Kristal helped me design them
Savage: Wait you painted them
You: Yes who else would have painted them
Savage: I don't know I thought you might of payed someone else to make them
You: No I had Kristal help me and we painted them together
Savage: Well tell her I said thank you, they're dope
You: I will tomorrow, I don't want to call or bother anyone today, I just want to enjoy today with my friends and family
Savage: What are we doing for breakfast?
You: Umm Christmas morning we normal just sort out our own breakfast so we can get some toast or even some fruit
Savage: Fruit sounds good to me
You: Okay
Savage: Do you want me to get you some fruit too
You: I wouldn't mind some
Savage: I'll go cut some up then
You: Well I might go have a quick shower then
You've finished packing away you and Savage's presents so you quickly run and have a shower before going out and finding a bowl of fruit waiting on the counter for you, you hangout with everyone as you all sit around and eat your own variations of breakfast
Y/l/s: Can I get ready with you y/n
You: Yeah of course
Y/l/s: Yay!
Devonte: Are we getting ready already
Your dad: Don't! They need their time to get ready if you keep them here any longer we will be late to Christmas
Y/l/s: We don't take that long to get ready
Your dad: You have to try on 30 different outfits before you're ready to go
Y/l/s: So I have to many good options
You: Whatever, you grab your stuff and we can go start getting ready
Devonte: You might as well go too Savage
Savage: What?
Devonte: You take just as long getting ready you might as well go join them
Savage: Okay
Y/l/s: Are you going to come too Devonte
Devonte: I'll stay here and help mum
You: Suit yourself
Your little sister runs into her room to grab everything she needs to get ready with you before running into your room and and setting up on the floor in front of your mirror with you while Savage is in the background singing in the shower
Y/l/s: Can you help curl my hair y/n
You: Happily
The three of you get ready together, singing, dancing and all round having a great time, the day has barely even begun and it's already feeling like one of the best Christmas', your boyfriend and your family are all together having a great time, your at home with your parents, you're being a proud big sister getting her ready for the day, you're happy and it's been an amazing year you can't even imagine what next year will be like continuing to grow in experiences with your friends and family

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