Sentimental Family Dinner

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Considering there is a 3 hour time difference between New Jersey and LA you, Savage and Devonte are caught sleeping in a lot later than everyone else normally would, this seems to upset a couple people as you along side Savage wake up to a small person and her older brother jumping on the bed
Y/l/s (Your little sister): Wake up!!
Savage: What the?
Devonte: Wake up!!
Savage: Devonte??
You: What in the world
Y/l/s (Your little sister): WAKE UPPP!!
You: What are you two doing, we were sleeping
Devonte: Get up aren't we taking Savage on a trip around town
You: Yeah but no need to wake us up when we're sleeping
Y/l/s (Your little sister): Mum's making pancakes
Savage: Do you have syrup?
Y/l/s (Your little sister): Yep
Savage: Well get up then y/n
You: Yeah you go I just need a minute
Savage: Okay
Y/l/s (Your little sister): Don't take forever or Devote will eat them all
You: I won't don't worry
The three kids including Devonte and Savage get up and find their way out the bedroom door to go get some freshly cooked pancakes while you give yourself just another minute or two in bed before you join them and you're parents
You: I heard someone made pancakes
Devonte: Yeah you're a little late though, I just ate the last one
You: Like I believe you Devonte
Your mum: There is still plenty left and we've even got mixed fruit and ice cream because I know it's your favourite
You: I REALLY shouldn't but I guess a little scoop of ice cream wouldn't hurt
Your mum: Exactly now come get some
You: It's not already served and waiting for me 🙄😒
Your mum: Enjoy of the jokes you, get over here before we feed it to Devonte
You: Oh mum their is no need to feed my left overs to the dog anymore I have a boyfriend for that
Devonte: What the fuck! I'm not dog
Savage: But apparently I am
You: Oh not you, one of my other boyfriends
Y/l/s (Your little sister): Y/n I don't think he should be allowed any ice cream at all you're being really mean
Devonte: I agree
Savage: Same that really hurt my feelings
You: It's okay you can have the bedroom to cry if you need
Your dad: No more ice cream for y/n
You: Not even a little scoop
Y/l/s (Your little sister): Not even a little scoop
You: It's honestly probably for the best considering I have the best family of cooks that love to show out for Christmas and keep my stomach full
Your mum: Hurry up and get some pancakes before it gets cold and leave both your brother and your boyfriend alone
You: Whatever
You finally get a move on and grab yourself a decent plate of your mums delicious pancakes and a scoop of mixed fruit as a topper before sitting down beside everyone else already eating at the table
Your dad: So how did you two sleep last night
Savage: I slept really comfortably actually
You: Well yeah until we had to guests surprise us in the morning
Your dad: You can get some extra sleep later
You: I know once we get back I will take a nap
Your mum: We get back? Where are you going
Devonte: We're taking Savage on a little trip around town
Your mum: You know that would be a perfect way to show each other specially places in the town where special things on your lives happened, you really would get to know and understand each other more
You: We think very much alike mum
Devonte: Almost a little to alike
Y/l/s (Your little sister): Do I get to come too?
Your mum: No sweetheart let them go off and have some time to themselves, you'll get to hangout with them when they get back
Y/l/s (Your little sister): No fair 😢
Savage: I don't care if she comes along with us
Your mum: I know but I would rather her stay home today it's quite cold outside and I don't want her getting sick again
Savage: Oh okay sorry
Your mum: It's okay don't worry
Your dad: Don't forget your jackets though I'm pretty sure it's meant to snow a little bit
You: Really
Your mum: Yeah
Devonte: That would make today even better
Savage: Yeah hurry up and eat y/n I wanna go outside
You: And watch for snow
Savage: Ye- No!
You: Okay 😂
Devonte: She's gonna take her time I'm getting another small one
Savage: Same, unless anyone else wants more
Your mum: No we're good you help yourself
Devonte: I don't care if your too late your fault
Savage: What about you y/n, do you want more
You: No I'm good
Y/l/s (Your little sister): Can I have another one please mum
Your mum: Savage and Devonte can help you find grab another one
Devonte: If their is any left
Y/l/s (Your little sister): Devonte no I'm hungry!
You: He won't eat it all
The same three kids from this morning find themselves getting some more pancakes before sitting back down with everyone else to finish off said pancakes
You and your parents finish eating before the other three kids simply because they went back for seconds, maybe even thirds for all you know but considering you've finished, you clean up your plate so that you can go start getting ready not leaving the boys waiting for you too long
You: I better go get ready now, so that you too aren't waiting too long for me and of course thank you for breakfast mum you didn't have too
Devonte: What's with the quick mood change
You: No mood change I just choose when I wanna annoy you
Devonte: Clearly she's back
You: And I'm leaving
Devonte: Thank god
Y/l/s (Your little sister): That's mean Devonte
Devonte: It's okay we don't it
Your mum: Make sure you put a jacket on y/n, you don't wanna get sick, we're going out for dinner tonight
You: I will mum don't worry, you should be telling them not me
Your dad: Trust me we will honey

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