Zalfie and Janya oneshot - Flying to the new world

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Alfie's PoV://
Flying to the world:
I grasped onto Zoe's hand as she cried out in pain. Finally her wings were coming through, she was about to be able to fly like the rest of us.
I grew my wings two years ago, they were bright blue, with a green marbled effect.
"Alfie my back... Owwwwh!" She yelped in pain.
Suddenly they sprouted through. Like plants, they erupted from her frail back. Bright purple and pink marbled. They were beautiful. Just like herself.
"Zoë were going to teach you to fly tomorrow" I smiled at her, as she was finally able to relax as the pain was coming to a hault.
"I don't think I'll be able to do it Alfie" she spoke as she stared up at me with fresh tears in her, blue shining eyes.
"You'll be fine. Me, Tanya and Jim will show you." I replied, in an attempt to comfort her.
She buried her tiny head into my chest, whilst tears streamed down her makeuped face.
I rubbed her back and around where her wings formed trying to make her feel more relaxed.

Myself, Zoë, Tanya and Jim were currently out in the field behind the local park.
Tanya only learned how to fly last week but Jim grew his wings almost four years ago and therefore was almost a master for teaching people.
"Zoë just mirror what I do!" I shouted over to her.
She let out a sigh and pushed her arms upwards, copying me and Jim.
She had it.
She flew forwards with complete control and elegance. Tanya followed straight after and together they flew all around the field.
"Your a natural!" I grinned as she sawed through the air like something out of a movie.
"Can we set off to the new world yet??!!" She yelled excitedly.
"We have a year zo, your not quite ready yet" I laughed.
Although deep down i was terrified. We all were. The world was ending and we had a year to get out. A few years back scientists found a new planet not to far away. They then found out that the world was ending 6 years from then, time went like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode.
So they came up with a spell, and cast it on every human being on our earth. They gave everyone the power to grow wings and fly, the only problem being was that nobody new when there wings were going to come through and we only had a year left.
I felt so relieved that Zoë and Tanya grew there's in time, I don't think me or Jim could carry them all the way to the new world.
She carried on flying round and circling my head until she became tired and couldn't go anymore, this was another problem...
When we all fly to the new world we have to have an enormous amount of energy. We have to have backpacks with water and energy tablets. Also we have to fly in pairs and tie our hands together so that we stay close.
"Come on zo, you need rest, we'll all go out again tomorrow!" I yelled back to her.
"Fine, spoil sport" she said whilst pushing out her bottom lip.
I smiled and grabbed her hand, Jim did the same with Tanya.
Myself, Zoe, Jim and Tanya were all sat on our sofa watching the news. I saw Zoe look over to her left and stare for a minute at the picture frame sat on the shelf.
"He would be so proud of me" she whispered. She was talking about Joe. The picture frame was a picture of our group of friends, they all grew wings and set off for the new world, leaving us all here but Joe was scared about leaving Zoe until I promised to look after her. The picture was from 2014 when we were all in America and skating, all grinning wildly and never aware of what was going to happen ten years later. But now, here we 2024 flying.
"He is proud of you and you will see him soon, little one, I promise you and I promised him" I reassured her quietly. Jim looked over to me and bit his lip in worry. I knew that he was thinking the same as me ...
What if we never see them again?
When you leave to go to the new world you have a start base and a line that you must follow. They all went from the London one but us and Felix and Marzia go from Brighton. Are we going to end up in a different place to them?
I looked down in my arms and Zoe's eyes were slowing shutting and her breathing slowed.
"I'm so scared Alfie" Jim whispered to me, Tanya had fallen asleep in his arms too.
"Me too man, Zoe and Tanya are smaller and weaker, there gonna have to learn as get stronger quick" I sighed.
Suddenly the tv lit up and red flashed across the screen, with a new headline.
'24 days left'
"what?" Jim spoke.
Are eyes locked together. Our eyes went wide and I swear the whole of Brighton could hear my heart beating.
We turned our heads back to the news article.
'Que's are huge to be able to begin flying, everybody needs to go in the next three days'
"Three days! Jim, Zoe only just grew her wings, she's not strong enough dude" I said, whispering the last bit.
"They will both be okay Alfie, tomorrow they will train and rest and then we'll go on the day after" Jim half heartedly smiled at me.
"You have this all planned out, right?" I chuckled.
"Of course" he sassily replied. Even though I knew deep down that we were both terrified. Neither of us knew how far we would have to fly, or if we were going to get split up from each other.
We knew nothing.
In front of Zoe and Tanya, we'll just have too pretend that everything is alright.
It was the next day and neither me or Jim had said a word about the news article to the girls, it was for the best, we hadn't agreed on not telling them but we didn't have to.
"Alfie?" I heard a cute, little, voice calling me. I followed from where it came from and found myself in the living room with Zoe, Tanya and Jim.
They all looked deadly serious.
"We need to go" Jim spoke up as he looked at me with tears forming in his eyes.
Neither of us could even begin to explain the worry we felt.
"They've seen it Alfie, we have to get out" Jim continued.
Tears filled my eyes as Zoe got up from the sofa and flung her arms round my neck.
"It will be okay little one, your strong, you can do it" I whispered encouragement.
"I'm not, I can't do it Alfie" she cried.
"You can, plus I'll be next to you helping" I said whilst trying my hardest to crack a smile.
She pushed her lips against mine and gripped onto me tight.
"Girls, have a rest now and sleep then we'll set off later" Jim said as he kissed Tanya's head then looked me straight in the eye. His eyes were full of worry and tears. What were we going to do with our girls?
It was four o'clock in the afternoon and we had all just woken up. We had our backpacks all ready and we slid them onto our backs.
We all took painkillers before we left and hugged each other as we stepped out of the door.
"Are you all ready?" I asked.
They nodded in reply. Tears streamed down all our faces. We began walking towards the flight zone.
I looked away as the woman tied my hand onto Zoe's. Behind me I saw Tanya crying as she was tied to Jim. What was happening to our world? Why did we have to leave everything behind? She pushed us forward and I kissed Zoe one more time on our own planet.
"Ready, 3, 2, 1, GO!" The woman pressed down the leaver and we were fired up miles and miles into space. Our wings soon picked up and I took this opportunity to look around, but still following the luminous green arrows to the correct way. Everywhere was completely empty apart from the rubbish that lied around. I looked behind me and saw Tanya and Jim, they were flying close together and I saw Tanya shaking slightly. I drew my attention to Zoe, she looked cold and shaky, I pushed myself next to her and squeezed her hand tightly.
"I love you" I shouted to her,
"I love you too" I heard her weakly reply.
I heard a voice in the distance. "STOP, HELP, AHHHH" I looked at Zoe and she began crying, "it's okay little one" I said as I kissed her lightly on the head. But, it wasn't alright. Sparks began to fly from Earth. Bombs full of fire came hurdling towards us. Suddenly a group of about 300 people flew a bit behind Tanya and Jim. "IS EVERYONE OUT" Jim screamed.
Everyone looked around and nodded. I felt Zoe pulling my tshirt.
"What's up?" I questioned as we all just floated there.
"Look" she cried. And pointed towards two little girls. There wings were slowing down and they began going down slowly.
I immediately grabbed Zoe and flew over to them, I pulled them both onto my back and they cuddled into me.
"How old are you?" I asked,
"Four and five" she whispered, barely audible but I understood.
"QUICKLY" somebody screamed at us and we all took flight, following the green arrows.
"We're have our brothers gone?" One of the little girls on my back wept.
"I-I don't know" myself and Zoe replied.
"Where's Tan and Jim?" Zoe muttered to me.
I turned round, expecting them to be there but they were nowhere to be seen. Suddenly they pushed through the crowd of people and I saw two little boys on Jims back.
"That must be there brothers then" I smiled.
Out of the blue, more fire erupted from our world as we flew quicker than ever before. People were yelling names and crying. Where ever you looked there would be someone that couldn't carry on any more.
I felt another hand on top of mine and Zoe's. I looked up, Jim and Tanya grasped onto us while the little kids reunited. We all joint linked arms but stayed closer to our pair. The line was me, Zoe, Jim, tanya and ... I looked down the line to see more and more people linking arms. Everyone who was struggling to carry on was being held up by the stronger people either side. Even all the kids who were on our backs held hands as we came into sight of our new planet.
"Not long now" I whispered to myself, but Zoe must have heard because she squeezed my hand tight and smiled at me.
After about another 40 minutes of continuous flying we lined up to land. Carefully, we each let go of eachother, allowing them to drop onto the landing pads.
After everyone else had gone, it left, me, Zoe, Tanya, Jim and the kids on our backs.
"Hold on tight" I shouted to them, remembering that they weren't actually attached to me.
I watched Tan and Jim drop and land safely, now for us. I relaxed my wings and fell all the way down. I breathed a sigh of relief as I hit the bottom.
I had squeezed my eyes shut but was told to open them again. As I did I was hundreds of people. They cheered and shouted.
"To the new world" I shouted, loud and clear.
"To the new world" everybody chanted the reply.

Does anybody want a part two?? Of how they find the rest of youtubers and things?? I hope you all enjoyed it ... Over 2000 words, holy crap! ahah!!
Love, Georgia. Xx!

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