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Clarke won't give up. She can't.

The Grounders have her mother, their doctor, they have their farmers, their seeds that might grow into their daily food supply, they have their radios. It's all too dangerous. The taken Arkers have guns on them and it's too risky that the Grounders could find out that their only power comes from pieces of metal.

So Clarke needs a plan, she needs it now, but things aren't easy. People are hungry, children are nearly starving, the water supply is meagre and Jackson works 24 hour shifts in the med-station. Clarke tries to help him as best as she can, her little knowledge from her mother and the months on Earth supporting the once soon-to-be doctor.

But the people need her too, her people, because she's the only one who ever got close to the Grounders, she's the only one who can attempt to bring some encouragement and comfort to the citizens and children. Together with Bellamy, she arms the adults up, lets him teach them how to shoot and fight just in case and with Kane, she tries to figure out how to get the hostages- if still alive- out of the Grounder camp.

The Grounder camp, full with warriors armed up to their teeth. The Grounder camp, full with bloodthirsty beasts, protected by men twice Clarke's size. The Grounder camp, hidden behind a wall of even more warriors.

Clarke orders the guards by the walls to observe just like she did when they tried to bring the other survivors over, hoping to get some information on routines, changes, weak spots.

She knows she can do it, she knows she can sneak through the wall of warriors and into the camp, she knows she can find the hostages and free them. She has a wardrobe of Grounder wear, she has Grounder weapons in her room placed like trophies, it wouldn't be hard to make a disguise. She even has four stolen masks, so no one would see as much as her face.

The problem is, how does she get ten people out of there again? She's pretty sure she can't do that, even if she managed to find disguises for them too.

That is until the guards notice an interesting development anyway;

The camp is empty. Behind the walls of warriors, there are no more, the rough number they counted in the first week almost went down by half, they just haven't noticed yet.

"That means half of them are elsewhere."

"But where?"

"Maybe another station of the Ark. Maybe somewhere else a station survived."

It shines a completely new light on things, and it isn't the only strange discovery that day. Something is going on in camp, tents are moved and tables built up and the wall of warriors behaves entirely against the usual schedule as groups of the army randomly enter and exit the camp at any given time.

By the time it gets dark, they're all gone.

Not a single warrior remains around Arkadia, there are only a few around the camp now.

"What's going on?" Kane shouts at the guards, his head red in exertion.

"We don't know. They all left their positions."

"Someone talked to them," he breathes. "Someone gave away that we're just humans too!"

"You think we have a traitor? Why?"

Clarke is in the medical station when her radio crackles and she's called to the fence immediately, though she doesn't have a better idea either. "We could easily attack them now, right? They can't possibly be as stupid as to entirely let their guard down just because they know we're humans. Humans are dangerous too."

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