forty three

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Clarke has managed to get back into bed by the time Lexa returns, dressed in more simple clothes and with a body smelling of roses. Lexa fills the soup into a bowl and hands it to Clarke, together with Lin's short note. "She's telling you her best wishes."

"Oh, that's so sweet of her. I'll have to apologize to her in person, she shouldn't have gotten up in the middle of the night for my soup."

Lexa can't reply before a guard calls her name and announces a person there to visit.

"Who is it?"

"The doctor."

Clarke and Lexa exchange a quick glance and, with a sigh, Lexa lets Clarke's mother in. She looks tired but excited, an unusual look in the presence of Lexa. "We have it," she breathes.

"You have what?" asks Clarke confused.

"The cure. The people in the healers tent are better, it's all about distributing it to the camp now so that we can finally finish this war and get back to the sunny pieces of land."

Regarding the cure, Lexa and Abby have a short, decent conversation (for once) until they both have to leave for an emergency meeting. Abby gives Clarke a quick hug before hurrying to leave and Lexa glances at Clarke uncomfortably. "I'm sorry."

"For what? You literally let in a bath for me and brought me soup in the middle of the night. You know you're not required to stay close to me all night. I'm not going to die."

"I'd just like being in bed and having soup with you over holding stupid meetings."

Clarke grins. "I'm having a bad influence on you, Heda. Go on, save the world, I'll warm the soup over the time when you come back."

"Thank you," Lexa says and gives Clarke a short kiss before following Abby outside.


There's not much to discuss- Lexa does not have the same education as the Skaikru doctors have anyway, so they don't have to bother explaining the medicine-, all that's left is organizing the distribution to make sure everyone gets it. Then, the army will stay in camp until the end of the week to recover until they will finally move and overthrow Azgeda. Lexa has made the battleplans and discussed them with Anya long ago, so that's not a worry.

When the meeting is called to an end and no one has any questions or additions anymore, Lexa is more than happy to check everything again quickly and then leave.

Abby, to Lexa's great dislike, holds her back. "Heda, can we have a short talk?"

"Ma'am, I hope you understand that I was pulled out of my perfectly fine night as well. I would like to get some sleep, tomorrow will be a long day. And so should you."

"I know. It's important."

Lexa sighs. She's almost sure how this is going to go, but she settles back at the round conference table anyway, Abby joining her. "Make it short."

"I'm sorry if I disrespected you last time. What I meant is not that you aren't worthy of respect, but that my daughter is worthy of someone who treats her properly."

"Ma'am, I do not judge you for having prejudices based on me being Heda, but that doesn't give you the right to assume the worst. If Iearned one thing, then it's commitment. I commited to Clarke and I do not know how your people handle that, but for mine it's a responsibility to be taken seriously."

"That's comforting to hear. Heda, if you have no plans tomorrow evening, since the quarantine will be lifted, I'd like to invite you and Clarke to dinner?"

"I'll talk to Clarke, I'm sure we can make it. Thank you."

"Thank you for your patience, Heda. Good night."

"Good night. We will not need you tomorrow morning, only in the afternoon. If you possess the same ability as Clarke, sleep until noon, we will need you well rested."

"Yes, Heda. Thank you."

And with that, Lexa leaves. When she comes to her tent, the soup is on the nightstand and Clarke is long asleep. Lexa can't help but smile, shortly washes herself and gets ready for bed again. She eats the soup cold- she's far too tired and hungry to wait until it's warmed up.


It's rare, but Lexa wakes up later than Clarke the next day. Clarke sits in front of the fireplace, clothed in her soft things (sweatpants and sweater) and with her hair neatly combed and glowy. On the fireplace there is a pan and bread toasting, the scent of breakfast already filling the tent warmly.

"Morning," Lexa rasps, stretching and noticing that she fell asleep in the underclothes of her armor last night. She groans and turns in bed, burying her nose in a fur smelling freshly washed and of Clarke's strawberry soap.

"Well, look who's awake. Long night, huh?"

"Yeah. What time is it? According to your timecounter?"

"It's called a watch. It's 9 in the morning."

"Fuck, they already started informing the people of the cure."

"So what?"

"I should be there to supervise everything."

"I made breakfast. Don't you have a few minutes?"

"I guess I do. I have to wash up and get dressed first anyway. Thank you."

"It's nothing. I fell asleep yesterday before making your soup."

"That's okay." Lexa has gotten out of bed by now, walking over to Clarke to brush through her hair on her way to the bathroom. Five minutes later, she emerges in her armor with neater hair and a minimal amount of face paint. "By the way, your mother invited us for dinner."

Clarke looks up surprised, "Did she? To inquire you?"

"I don't think so, either way I said we would come if that works for you."

"Yes, sure. But my mother can be quite... intense," Clarke warns carefully.

"Seems to travel by blood."

They have a short breakfast together before Clarke meets with Raven and Octavia and Lexa leaves to check the primitive 'health institutions' distributed over the camp. People are crowding, forming lines until Lexa can't see anymore, all waiting to get whatever magic Skaikru has invented.

Lexa would be more distrusting over this substance if there weren't sky people also in the crowd, if Abby hadn't short-handedly tested the final result on herself, if she didn't know these people are human.

Also, she thinks she can trust Clarke. That will have to count for something.


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