thirty four

640 45 17

Lexa waits quite a while and she's beginning to think that Clarke is making fun of her, that she told Lexa to stay only to leave and see how long Lexa would remain foolish.

In case it's not a joke though and Clarke merely ran into some trouble, Lexa does stay in the tent. She needs to refine the formations of her army anyway, how they're going to fight in this war, how to really get at the core of the Azgedan army quickly instead of just fighting superficially at the fronts.

Lexa knows that Azgeda, initially unprepared for Skaikru, is much weaker by now than they let it show. Judging by the amounts of fallen soldiers and even the amount of soldiers who preferred being banned from their native clan over fighting with Gods, Azgeda's army is at its smallest number. In relation to Skaikru and the coalition, hardly a worthy enemy anymore.

It's only the ice that they have for an advantage now. The ice, and the warriors on Lexa's and Clarke's behalf who are still healing the injuries from the forest fire.

The sickness is an issue for both parties, as Azgeda is infested with the same virus and a momentary truce has been put in place, but although Lexa would have worried that Azgeda has better medications for a sickness acquired in the cold, nothing earthly can compete with what Skaikru can manufacture.

In many ways, this alliance with Skaikru has been a lifesaver. Most disadvantages are rather insubstantial worries or minor inconvenciences than anything serious, anything that could weight up to the advantages.

She's unsure how strong and resourceful Skaikru's powers are, their firearms, their exploding stars, their overall ability to affect and alter their environment, but she's counting on them once this sickness is over.

She hopes that Azgeda is recovering worse and that once the fighting begins again, Lexa can properly run them down once and for all. Then, they'd only have to advance to the Royal Castle, they'd only have to execute the queen and the prince and the fake princess that's Costia.


Lexa isn't entirely done planning when Clarke comes back, and Lexa doesn't like the sight of her at all. She's pale, breathing slightly raggedly and moving in this stiff, painful way she used to have all these past days when her limbs hurt so badly. It lacks any of her usual grace and agility and Lexa is up in a moment.

"Clarke, what happened? Are you okay?"

"Fine, yeah, I'm so sorry it took me so long. My mom insisted on lunch and if I'd ditched her for you, oh God. She's not excited about this- did you have lunch yet? I brought you a sandwich," Clarke rambles, only getting more out of breath.

"Clarke, calm down. Are you okay? Why are you so pale and out of breath? Are you in pain?" Lexa holds her hand to Clarke's forehead just in case. "You're supposed to rest and sleep a lot, otherwise it's going to come back. What were you doing out so long?"

"Well, as I said, lunching with my mom. I meant to bring this, though," Clarke says and holds up a small, black box. It looks terribly like one of Skaikru's divine objects that have a strange power.

Lexa subconsciously takes a step back. "Okay? Well, get in bed. Did you run or...?" Lexa trails off, still asking why Clarke is so in pain and breathing so quickly.

"Yeah, jogged a bit so I wouldn't have to let you wait too long."

"Clarke. I could have sat here until tomorrow for all I care, what the hell? You're not supposed to move a lot at all and you go running? Would you like a warm bath or do you want to look funny walking around in pain for the rest of the day?"

Clarke glares at Lexa and puts the box on the table, together with a sandwich for Lexa (a type of meal Skaikru likes to have, bread with other things, and then another bread put on top). "I'll warm up some water. You should want a bath instead, have you looked at yourself? You still look like a complete mess."

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