thirty five

702 41 72

Lexa forgot that Clarke wanted to show her something initially. So when they're out of the bath again, and Clarke has washed Lexa's hair thoroughly, washed her body as much as she dared and, a moment Lexa cannot help but revisit, kissed her shoulder softly, Lexa doesn't expect them to do anything else together.

But there's still the black box Clarke brought, and that apparently has more meaning than it looks like. Clarke, after cleaning up the bathroom (which Lexa insisted she shouldn't do, but Clarke is just too fucking stubborn) looks like a small child that got a big gift.

"Okay, Lexa, are you ready for some real Skaikru culture?"

"I don't know?" Lexa says unsurely. She doesn't want to be involved in some crazy, witchy rituals as a common human, exactly.

Clarke makes a noise like, "Dum, dum, dum, dum, duuuum," and exclaims, "Wrong answer! Try again."


"Give me a little more conviction?"


"More conviction, Lexa?"


"A little more?"

"Clarke, okay, yes!"

"Yes!" Clarke cheers and throws her arms up, making Lexa laugh stupidly. "Okay, first of all, we need the right clothes."

"What, like ceremony costumes?"

"Kinda, yeah!" Clarke leaves the tent for a moment to ask the guards for something, then returns with a bag. "I had Raven bring this because I had no hand free," she explains off-handedly and hands Lexa a stack of clothes.

Suspiciously, and rather carefully, Lexa unfolds them and looks at them. There are grey pants with weirdly soft fabric and a sweater saying;

'careful, trash inside'.

Lexa looks up at Clarke, who has the same grey pants and a sweater saying;

'Probably single because I never forwarded those chain e-mails in 2008'.

"Clarke what on Earth is this?"

Clarke is beaming. "It's a sweater for you. You have to put it on, and then it says there's trash inside. In the sweater. That's you."

Before Lexa can answer, Clarke is already laughing in a way that Lexa physically can't say anything against the stupid thing. "Isn't that funny?"

"Yeah, really funny," she deadpans. "And what exactly does your sweater mean?"

"I don't know, it's some funky stuff from the 2000's. On the Ark-" Clarke catches herself just in time and clears her throat. "Where I'm from, we have some clothes from before the world ended."

"Oh, so you've been on this planet before?"

"Well, not all of us. Anyway, put it on!"

"Okay, okay. What are these pants anyway?"

"Grey sweatpants. Of infinite cultural value."


So they put the clothes on, Clarke busies herself at the closed off fire to warm the tent for a while and comes back with a pot full of white little clouds. She rearranges the bed slightly, which makes Lexa highly suspicious, but until Clarke sets up that black box, she doesn't say anything.

Then, though, out of nowhere, the white canvas that the bed is now facing lights up, and Lexa looks at Clarke wearily. "Clarke, what are you doing?"

"Lexa, it's time that you finally learn how to watch a movie," Clarke says seriously.

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