Part 5

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Note before reading:

I am happy to introduce some of the characters that have brought me so much joy and laughter in the writing of this story. Please don't forget to comment if you enjoyed it:)


Wednesday morning, opening day, turned out to be utter madness. You had spent two days in advance filling the counter and windows with baked good and displays. As you had, your body had run solely on determination, coffee, and sugar from an excessive amount of chai lattes as it was "necessary practice" for learning to operate the new espresso machine you had ordered. Upon opening you were overwhelmed with the amount of people who came by, emptying your entire batch of breakfast scones within the hour. When Wanda had come by to check out the new shop, she offered to take over the counter for 20 minutes so you could throw some new batches into the oven. The morning went by so fast that you barely had time to eat, drink or even register what was going on. Most clients were either locals, hikers or mountain climbers. You immediately reminded yourself to start selling lunch packets during the high season so people could take them with them and enjoy a good meal during their trek.

Even Steve stopped by to buy himself and Bucky some lunch, Alpine following at his heels. She bolted for the counter, not showing the same restraint as she had with Bucky, and sat down right in front of you. You chuckled and gave her a scratch behind the ears and a small cup of whipped cream to lick clean.

"See you Saturday night for that drink?" Steve asked as he took the scones he had ordered from your hand.

"Yeah- Yeah, I'll have to finish up first, but I should make it there by 9," you smiled hurriedly.

Steve smiled as he nodded and left, having to call Alpine to join him as she was still sitting by your feet, giving you puppy eyes that had you wanting to steal her and keep her indefinitely. As Steve left, you reminded yourself to bring a berry tart for Graeme as you had promised when you had first met him. When you turned around to wash your hands you found Wanda staring at you with a smug smile on her face.

"So- Rogers huh?"

"What? No. We're just friends," you objected.

'Uh huh,' Wanda replied, feigning an air of indifference.

"No, really!"

"Yeah ok," she answered nonchalantly as she continued to plate two cupcakes with that same shit-eating smirk on her face.

Wanda ended up staying to help a lot longer than anticipated, until you sent her home at the end of the afternoon with a bucketload of cupcakes and a million thanks. You certainly hoped it had just been extra busy today due to opening day; because if this was how busy it would be from now on, you were seriously understaffed. If you could manage the place on your own during the winter season and hire extra staff during peak season would be amazing.

Tales & Tarts had emptied entirely, safe for a small group of old ladies who remained seated on the two couches by the fireplace. They were holding one of the books you had put on one of the bookshelves only last week. They seemed to be in quite a heavy argument about whether Mr Darcy was a 'wee wanker', a 'witty gentleman' or a 'feckin' misogynist'. You smirked as you approached them and asked whether they needed more tea.

"Oh thank you darling- If Aileen continues talking this crap we will need something a lot stronger," one of the ladies suggested, causing the others to howl with laughter and the supposed 'Aileen' to roll her eyes.

"You're off your head Deirdre," Aileen objected loudly, causing the others to snigger in turn. You couldn't help but smile as you ignored the clock which indicated it was closing time. Instead, you brewed more tea and brought it to the ladies just when the argument seemed to escalate to hilarious proportions.

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