Part 7

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Note before reading:

I have been howling with glee at all of the comments people have been leaving. You guys are nuts.


The walk back to your place took a full ten minutes as, with the rain that was still pouring down from the sky relentlessly, things were starting to get a little slippery as frost started settling in. Bucky didn't complain as he carried you, his hands holding onto your thighs, which were wrapped securely around his waist. Your mind, however ,was firmly wrapped around the way his fingers dug into your skin, your mind racing with questions on how they would feel without the layers of fabric separating them.

Actually getting through the door proved quite difficult, so Bucky lowered you carefully onto one leg while he took the keys from your hand; his free arm securely around your waist to keep you from falling. To be honest, you did feel a little weak in the knees at that moment. As he leaned away from you to open the door, you found you immediately missed the way he smelled; of some herby shampoo, good whisky and bad manners.

Bucky increased the grip of his arm around your waist and lifted you up with the other, meaning you were barely able to lean on him as he helped you inside and all the way to the couch.

"I think I'll be sleeping down here tonight. I'm not sure climbing those stairs would be a good idea right now," you uttered as Bucky pushed his hands into his pockets, looking at you sitting there. His jawed ticked as you peeled off your coat and soaked jumper, flinging them to the floor unceremoniously.

"Right," Bucky murmured, his eyes struggling to not move down to the revealing tank top which did not leave much to the imagination. You caught Bucky's lingering eyes and only just managed to process the giddy feeling forming in your stomach and catch it before it registered as a smile on your face.

"Do you want me to get you anything from upstairs?" Bucky asked, his jaw still tense. You kind of liked how tense his face had gotten and were fervently wondering about the things playing around in his mind. If you has asked Bucky about them, he would never have said a word about the indecent thoughts that were besieging his mind right then.

"Maybe my blankets and my pillow?"

Bucky nodded gruffly before he headed for the stairs leading up to your studio, fervently planning to get his thoughts straightened out before he went back down again.

"And maybe a set of dry underwear and pyjamas?"

Bucky stopped for a short moment, his fingers twitching with the thought of your underwear between his fingers in an entirely different situation. He fought it off, looking briefly over his shoulder, nodded and rushed up the final steps.

You seriously hoped you had left your bedroom in a reasonable condition, contemplating the fact that Bucky upstairs in your bedroom wasn't something you thought of happening the first time you had seen him. Suddenly you wondered whether you had hidden away the scandalous novels you had been reading before bed every night.

The deep chuckle coming from upstairs told you that you hadn't.

It took a minute before Bucky made his way down the stairs, a shit-eating grin on his face as he made his way to you with a large pile of blankets, two pillows, your fluffiest set of pyjamas and a set of burgundy red panties perched on top, Bucky's eyes averted away from them sternly as he handed the pile to you.

"Nice book collection Hollywood," he mused with a smirk on his face as he watched you sit there, your face flushed multiple shades too dark.

"At least I don't meet my needs through mindless porn videos. I meet them through literature. Like a fucking lady," you defended. Bucky quirked up that eyebrow again, his teeth digging in his bottom-lip as he stopped himself from uttering the first words that came to his mind.

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