Chapter 1

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(Okay so- Al Bri and Kygo look human in this if people were wondering)

The three friends were now hiding behind a wall at a cartoon studio "I can't believe we're in 1979" Bri said keeping a close eye on the entrance "I can't believe the Unit owns a Time Machine" Kygo said also looking at the entrance "am I the only one getting major deja vue with this place?" Al said snapping his fingers making a small flame appear at his fingertips Kygo smacked his hand stopping his actions

"OW!" He whines rubbing his hand "pay attention we gotta get in there" Kygo said seriously Bri turned around at the two putting a finger to her lips "SHUSH!" She said annoyed then they heard a door open "now is our chance let's go!" She said and they ran to the door before it closed

"wow this place is..creepy" Bri said as they walked down the halls "yeah it is-" then a random storm happened making thunder crash causing Bri to jump accidentally making her lightning go off and hit a light making it explode and the power went out Al and Kygo gave her a look she looked away embarrassed "my b" she said and they continued walking

They heard something crash behind them and immediately turned around only to see a mop they sighed of relief and turned back around only to bump into woman who jumped in surprise "oh! What are you kids doing here by yourselves?" She asked "uh.. we're interns here to learn about the magical world of animation!" Bri said with a fake smile

The woman chuckled "isn't it a bit late? Shouldn't you three be heading home?" She asked "we lost track of time.. what are YOU doing here?" Al said "I was busy drawing a scene for the next cartoon but wanted to grab a cup of coffee, wanna come with? By the way before I forget, what's your names" She asked and the three nodded following her to an elevator "I'm Al" "Kygo" "Bri!" They said "I'm Audrey it's nice meeting you three" Audrey said with a smile

"I thought she would be mean to me..guess not" Bri thought they made it to the elevator entered but before the door can fully close a hand came in between the small space having it open again revealing a very old creepy man the three screamed in fear but then they just looked at him in anger

"THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Kygo yelled "YOU CAN'T JUST SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT!" Al yelled after the man looked confused but then looked at Audrey, Al, and Bri and smiled creepily making the three very uncomfortable "Wilson! You scared us!" Audrey said "is name is Wilson? That's rough" Al thought if his looks didn't make the man look creepy enough his voice is was made it even worse

"My dear Audrey~ who are your new friends?~" he said his voice making the four more uncomfortable than they already were before, Audrey then began to talk to the man having the others rapidly press a button that closes the door

"CLOSE!CLOSE!CLOSE!CLOSE!CLOSE!-" they screamed in their heads but it didn't work cause once it started closing Wilson would always stop it then he stepped inside "FUCK!" The three yelled in their heads

As Wilson stood at one side of the elevator the others stood next to each other away from this creep "you guys hired this man AND he's a janitor? Y'all know he's about to do something, and it ain't good" Bri whispers to the others while looking at the old man but then the elevator stop suddenly and begins to shake

"what was that? Please don't tell me we're stuck here!?" Audrey said scared "don't worry my dear~ I'll fix it~ follow me" he said and pressed a button opening the door the trio immediately walked out with Audrey following behind "finally I hated every second of that" Bri said walking as they did they made it to what appears to be a museum of things that were at Joey Drew Studios including a picture of him

"that's Joey?" She asked Al walked over to see what she's looking at "yeah and that guy over there must be Henry" he said pointing at a man next to Joey they look younger in this picture "this must be when it first opened" Bri said Al nodded then Kygo's ran up to them

"yo the old man said that he can get the power back on if we can find these items, y'all wanna help?" He asked the two nodded "the sooner we get out of here the better" Bri said and they walked around the area finding the items

(Time Skip)

Once most the items were found they walked to where Wilson was and found him next to the ink machine " seeing what I'm seeing right? I'm not losing my mind?" Bri asked the boys nodded "I thought that that thing was in the other studio why is it here?" Kygo asked

"maybe when Joey Drew Studios shutdown they took out everything in it and gave it to Archgate" Al said they placed the items in the correct order "now all we need is a cog" Al said and Audrey pointed at a electric box "maybe there's one in there" she said and Bri walked over to it opening the box to see the cog she rolled up her sleeves and began roughly pulling it out once she did she placed it on the last podium

"Audrey, Al, Bri I need you for something~" Wilson said "how did you know our names!?" Bri asked but he didn't answer and grabbed Audrey "hey let her go!" Al said and the three tried to loosen his grip on her but this man is surprisingly really strong

"the fuck this guy made out of! VIBANIUM!?" Bri thought she felt something cold and wet touch her ankles and looked down to see the ink machine had turned on and the ink is raising "uh..guys" Bri said but Wilson fell dragging the others down with him

In the ink...


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