chapter 1

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The voices are getting louder. They're real voices, I know they are. I'm not imagining them
*smashes fist into windowsill*
Whatever I do, they keep talking. Babbling. Shrieking and swearing like witches. They keep pushing me. Pushing and pushing until I found myself here. The edge of this cliff, staring into the abyss below me and begin to regret this decision. No. It's not like anyone will miss me anyway.
"Hey!" I hear from behind me, I know it's just the voices. They want to carry on torturing me. Then I hear it gain but this time a firm hand grasps my wrist. The hand yanks me away from the edge and sorrow sets in. Brown orbs glare at me and I feel like they're boring into my soul. Inches away from eachother, we hold this position for a minute or so. Hesitantly, I glance away, taking a step back as I do so, forgetting about the rigid hand grasping my wrist. I did managed to catch a glimpse of my saviour's face though. Everything else from there was a blur.

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